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Ben's POV: Today Ethan and Cassie are coming with me to look at wedding rings. Since Cassie and I haven't hung out in a while I thought this would be a good idea so me and her could catch up. "Where are you going?" Callan asked me putting his hands on his hips. "I'm going to....Academy ....Sports....yeah." I said trying my best to come up with an excuse. "Babe if your gonna lie to me at least make it believable." He said rolling his eyes in annoyance. "I am going there!" I said as I picked up my car keys. "Ben,you don't even play sports!" Callan said. "Are you hiding something from me??" He questioned. "No! Look I'm gonna go...we'll talk about this later." I said walking out the door.

7 minutes later I arrived at Zales. There I saw Cassie standing in the parking lot. "There he is." I heard Cassie say running towards me. "Hey Cas!" I said hugging her. "Where's Ethan?" I asked looking around. "He's on the phone with Livia,they're in a fight." She said. "Really??" I said in confusion Livia said they never get into arguments. "He'll meet us come on." Cassie said pulling my arm. When we walked into the jewelry store I was amazed by so many rings they had, I don't how I'm gonna find one when there's so much to choose from. Then we saw Ethan walk towards us he looked mad. "Hey y'all." He said running his hands through his hair." "Is everything alright,you looked pissed." I said. "Yeah I am Liv and I are in a fight over shoes.." He said rolling his eyes. "That's kinda stupid." Cassie said laughing. "I KNOW RIGHT?" she's bitching over freaking shoes! Ethan said putting his hands up in frustration. "Um let's get what we came here for." I said trying to change the subject. When we walked to the rings department we were greeting by an employee. " Hey! Need any help with anything?" She asked. "Yeah I'm gonna need it." I said. "Well who's the lucky girl?" She asked me. Well this is gonna be funny to explain. "Haha I'm gay actually." I said laughing. "Oh my gosh sorry! She said sincerely. "Oh no! It's fine!" I said giving her a smile. "Well um...what type of ring are you looking for?" She asked trying to break the awkwardness. "Something.... unique." I said. "Well follow me." She said motioning us to come the ring section. After an hour of looking I finally found one. A 2 carrot gold ring with a diamond in the middle. After I bought it I went back home, but I had to find a good place to hid it. I decided to just leave it in my dresser and pray he doesn't look in there; not the best hiding place but it'll do. "So what did it get at Academy Sports?" Callan asked crossing his arms. " was just looking...yeah." I said attempting to come up with a good excuse. "Ben,why are you lying to me?" He asked angrily. "Well....I...was-"  "Are you cheating on me???" He asked. Oh crap. I thought to myself  how was I gonna get out of this? "If your sleeping with someone else just tell me now,because I'm not gonna be your side." He said furiously. "Callan I would never cheat on you I love you!" I said grabbing his hand. "WELL WHERE WERE YOU?" He yelled. "I was getting you something..." I said honestly. I got down on one knee and pulled out the ring. "Callan,will you marry me?" I asked him. "Ben! I....YES!" He said as I put the ring on his finger and kissed him...for a long time. It felt like we were the only two people in the world. "I love you so much Ben, I can't wait to be your husband soon." He said putting his arm around me as we walked back to our room. We just stayed up all night talking about the wedding,a long conversation about food, talking crap about the people we both hate,then we had an hour long debate on MCR and P!ATD then we had a little fun....after that we got into a deep convo about how we feel about each other. I can't believe he will be my husband soon.

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