Chapter 1: "Niall on drugs?"

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Liam’s POV

“Niall where are you off to now, we have plans remember?”

“Sorry something’s come up I’ll see you guys at the studio tomorrow!” Niall shouted whilst rushing to his car.

“It’s like the third time this month he’s stood us up.” Louis complained sitting on Niall’s couch. For the past 2 months Niall has stood us up, called in sick only to come back the next day perfectly fine, but he seems happier and different…in a good way.

“Do you think Niall’s on drugs?”Zayn jokes and we laugh opening the caps to the beers Niall had in his fridge. We waited for Niall to come back but ended up falling asleep on Niall’s couch.


“Hey guys wake up!” Niall’s cheery voice woke us up, “I’m thinking breakfast before studio and after we can take the crew out to lunch or a day off.” I don’t know if it’s me or Niall’s glowing and being incredibly energetic.

“Niall?” Harry called out still spread out on the couch.

“Yeah?” he popped his head in from the kitchen.

“Shut up!” Louis started to laugh still with his eyes closed, Niall just rolled his eyes and Harry rolled over. I got up and walked to the kitchen to find Niall smiling like an idiot at his phone.

“What has you so full of glee this morning?” I lean over the counter and take one of the coffees Niall bought; just as he heard my voice he locked his phone.

“Nothing just a joke I saw on twitter.” He struggled with his words.

“Really, if it has you in such a good mood I’d like to hear.” All the color flushed from his face.

“I, uh well there’s this dog and uh well you know, oh I should take this!” Niall walked out of the kitchen and ran upstairs,

“I didn’t hear a ring?” I yelled watching him scatter away. The rest of the day Niall was as chipper as ever, smiling through studio time, giving complements left and right. To be honest it was kind of freaking us out. The day after that was the same, but when I went to go visit him he was already backing out of his driveway. I took out my phone and dialed Louis.

“Well follow him!” Louis said through the phone. I followed a car behind and surprisingly he ended up parking in an apartment complex. I carefully watched as Niall rushed to get a key out of his pocket. I stopped watching when he disappeared into the house and hadn’t come out in the past half an hour.

I called Louis on my way home and we talked about the different reasons Niall could be doing. The rest of the week was normal, Niall didn’t go back to that apartment but he didn’t act so happy. He was happy but he didn’t have that glow about him. When he looked at his phone every so often I could see a bit of that happiness fade.

What the hell is Niall hiding?


Before Niall left today after the interview I made it a goal to talk to him. I went to go look for him in his dressing room but when I got there he was on the phone running his fingers threw his hair.

“I need them by tonight…No I can’t wait…I just need them! I already paid you…No I gave you the money so where’s my order…Fine one more hour but that’s it.” Niall angrily hung up his phone and pulled on his jumper. Was Zayn’s little joke true, could Niall be doing drugs? It sure sounded like it. I knocked softly on the door and walked in,

“Niall you alright mate?” I could see his back contort as he let out a long breath. He turned around like nothing with a smile.

“Yeah why wouldn’t I be? Hey nice chat but I have to get going.” He picked up his things and tried for the door. I stepped in front of him, “Come on Liam I have to go, we’ll chat later.” He tried again but I shut the door.

“Niall come on, what’s going on?” I sat us on the chairs by the mirrors.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” he said annoyed.

“Is it drugs? Look Niall if you have a prob-,”

“What the hell are you going on about!? Drugs! I’m not stupid Liam, I don’t have time for this.” He pushed off his chair and marched off. When he got to the door Zayn was about to come in.

“Hey Niall.” Zayn said

“Oh hey Zayn did you hear, I have a bloody drug problem!” Niall snapped and legged it.

“What has him so pissy?” I got up.

“I don’t know but grab your coat, I’m finding out one way or another.” On our way out I grabbed the others and jumped in my car.

Following Niall wasn’t the easiest thing at rush hour but he finally stopped in an abandon parking lot. We watched as he got out and talked to a guy standing beside his car. After 5 minutes of watching his chat the guy finally passed him an envelope and a small box. Niall took off down the somewhat familiar road I followed him down the other day. We got out just as Niall disappeared into the apartment home.

“Wait you guys, have any of you thought of what we’re going to say?” Harry said stopping us in the middle of the lot. To be honest I didn’t think about that, “We can’t just go in there and say oh hey Niall we just followed you for about an hour and want to know what you’re doing?” Harry had a point. Just before I was about to talk Niall started to walk out of the house, but this time with someone on his arm. We followed a couple blocks away to a nearby café. When Niall stopped and waited outside the little shop we took it as our chance.

“Niall?” I said, as he turned to us I swear it looked like her saw a ghost.

“Guys? What the hell are you doing here?” he said in a harsh whisper.

“Us? How about you, what are you doing on this side of town? Who was that walking with you and what did that guy give you in the parking lot?” I let all the questions pour out.

“Were you following me!?” his anger was clearly increasing.


“They only had caramel so I just ordered us a hot chocolate, oh sorry James who are they?”

“James?” we said in unison.

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