Chapter 23: "Deep Breath"

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Niall’s POV

“I forgot how hot Arizona gets.” Liam wipes the sweat off his forehead as we finish our rehearsal for our concert tonight. When we get off stage we grab our water bottles and head to the dressing rooms. I stop as I hear a small scream but not the usual fans scream a child.

As we wait, hearing it get louder as it comes closer and closer. To my theory I was right, a small boy comes running from the corner. He’s laughing and running, by the way he looks back it looks like he’s running from someone.

He jolts back as he crashes into my legs, the smile disappears from his face and it looks like he’s about to cry. I pick him up and comfort him.

“I’m sorry lad I didn’t mean to crash into you.” He smiles again and looks around but soon frowns again.

“Mommy!” he yells back to where he came running from. “Mommy?”

“Are you lost?” he shakes his head and I see his lip start to shake and his blue eyes start to redden with tears.

“Niall look.”  Liam points to his neck. “He’s got your moles.” They laugh as they see the small spots but I get quite serious as he looks a lot like me when I was a child with brown hair.

“Niall not joking around anymore but he does look a lot like your baby pictures.” The seriousness in Zayn’s voice started to scare me.

“Do you want me to help find your mu-,” i looked at the child.

“James! James!” a girls voice came from down the hall, the name makes the memories float back in.

“Are you James?” he nods and starts to kick in my hands causing me to put him down.

“James!” Her familiar voice pulls my attention.

“Mommy!” he yells running down the hall and we see the flustered figure rush past the hall and jolt back.

“Jesus James what have I told you about running far from me, you scared me half to death.” I froze.

The curly hair and voice making my heart stop. I walk closer and faster as realization hits. She picks the child up and starts to walk away.

“Ashley?” she looks back and her face practically goes white. “Ashley stop.” I yell after her as she rushes away. I run up to her and grab her arm. The boy clutches onto her neck and she has tears in her eyes.

“Mommy.” The boy says and holds her tighter. She sniffles and turns the boy towards me and clears her eyes.

“Niall,” she wipes the remaining tears, I’m speechless. “This is James.” She smiles at him.

“Hi.” His soft voice whispers.

“Ashley w-wh-,” she holds her hand up to silence me.

“He’s 1 years old.” She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes.

“And he’s also your son.”

The End

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