Chapter 10: "This is all my fault"

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Harry's POV

We followed the speeding ambulance down the wet roads as the pouring rain blurred our view. Then as the light turned green a truck hit just meters ahead from us, hitting the vehicle Niall was in. As tires screeched and screams were heard it only took seconds for the police to form yet again. With no exception they wouldn't let us see them.

When we finally got to the hospital Niall was panicking with scars on his cheek and forehead, Liam went across the emergency room to check on Ashley. With Niall constantly trying to get up they strapped him to the bed, even then he didn't stop. Yelling her name, it was heart breaking.

"This is all my fault." I turned to Emily as she whispered.

"No it's not don't think that." I tried to comfort her but she moved from my hold and started to cry and shout.

"No this is my fault," she tried to breath but it was too shaky, the boys gathered round us confused. "the other week I grabbed Niall's phone during the photo shoot and blocked Ashley's number, changed Ashley's number to mine so when he texted her-,"

"You got it; her game wasn't cancelled was it?" Liam's anger was something we rarely saw.

"I-I didn't think this would happen, I'm sorry." She started to sob more

"You're sorry? Well I guess that's it right? You say you're sorry and all is forgiven? Do you know what could have happened?" Liam yelled scaring all of us but more Emily. 

"N-no I-," she tried to say something but Liam was at it again.

"Niall or Ashley could have been killed or worse both! Do you have any idea what would happen if Niall was hurt? The band, his family, the fans, did you think about them, don't answer that cause you only think about yourself." Whoa...

"What if something worse comes out of Ashley's condition what would Niall do? What happen if Niall was hurt what would Ashley do? I've spent so much time with Ashley while you both left her out of everything now I know why she was never back stage with us!" Liam's nostrils flared and his eyes darkened and glossed with a few tears coming out. it took me by surprise when Liam said he'd been visiting Ashley, I guess that's where he'd go on our free time.

"What did you think would happen? Niall would fall in love with you? Ha! Niall has gone through everything for Ashley and Ashley is actually a perfect fit for Niall, and you? You were just a job so why don't you just go home before you ruin everything else, tell management you've had enough because we all know you're the reason this charade has go on this long." Liam turned and went towards Ashley's room where doctors ran in and out. 

"Tell Niall I'm sorry and I won't be bothering him again." Emily walked out with her face drenched in tears, a part of me wanted to comfort her but I can't deny what Liam said or should I say shouted, was true.

Loud beeping sounds rang from Ashley's room and numerous people ran in, a nurse has convinced Liam to leave the room as they shut it in his face. He walked over to us and looked to a now calm Niall, when we walked in Niall's eyes were closed. We looked to the woman in the corner writing on a clip board.

"What happened?" Louis asked as we gathered around him bed.

"He's pretty shaken up, he'll need stitches to his leg and he'll be in a cast for a few weeks. When the car hit the side of the ambulance he had hit himself hard and broke his tibia and femur." She pointed to the part of Niall's legs. Thank god we don't have any shows lined up or a tour not for a few months.

"Mr. Payne?" A guy probably a doctor interrupted us from the door way. Liam followed him down the hall while we stayed with Niall.

"He'll be in the hospital for a few days; does he have any family you can contact?" Louis left to call whoever he could reach.

"Is there any way we could get them in the same room?" Zayn asked, that would actually be a great idea.

"I'll see what I can do." The nurse gave us a sympathetic look and left us alone with Niall, a few minutes later Louis had went to check up on Liam. When he came back Louis held Liam over the shoulder as his eyes pierced red.

"They said with the two accidents they don't know if she'll make it, she hit her head hard and she has 4 broken ribs, they need to put a breathing machine and a heart murmur to help her stay alive. They have her stable...for now." After the last word he broke out in full tears bringing Louis down with him as he kneeled on the floor. If Liam acts like this then how is Niall going to take it, when I look back to Niall a tear slips from his closed eyes.

He heard us.


"Excuse me?" a soft voice woke us all from our short sleep on the uncomfortable hospital seats. "I need to change her bandages, I just need you to scoot over to his sided." We pushed the chairs by Niall's bed as she closed Ashley's curtain by around her bed. We were happy the doctors let them have a room together.

While Niall laid in his bed still asleep from last night they had his leg lifted up in a brace, he was due for a cast today. Ashley was much worse; they had many tubes coming from her mouth and chest. IV's covered her arm, bruises darkened her body. It hurt Liam seeing her chest rise slowly and fall fast with the heart murmur working her heart to keep her alive.

There was a knock at the door, when I looked up Niall's mum, dad, and brother were stood at the frame. I motioned them to come in, they eyed the blue curtains that covered her bed but it felt as they were relieved to see it wasn't Niall's bed. Maura (his mum) immediately ran to his side and clutched his hand, kissing his forehead.

"How is he?" Bobby (his dad) asked

"He's going to be okay, he'll need a leg cast and he has a few stitches on the other leg." I told him. He nods his head and goes to Niall's other side.

"They couldn't get him a single room?" Greg (his brother) said looking at Ashley's side.

"Niall didn't tell you either?" they all looked at Louis confused. "Niall has a girlfri-,"

"Ashley?" Maura turns covering her mouth looking at the blue covering.

"He told you?" I stand. They nod, so we were the only ones who didn't.

"Did he ever tell her he wasn't James?" we just nod to Greg,

"How is she?" after Maura ask, Liam gets up unable to hold in his cries. "How bad is it?" right when she says that the nurse comes out.

"The doctor should be in by this afternoon, if he wakes and is in pain just press the call button. I'll be their nurse so I'll be on call." She says, then we all held our breath as she pulls back the curtain.

"Oh my," Bobby breathes. Maura starts to cry at the sight of Ashley's beat up and fragile body.

"Mum?" We all turn to Niall's bed.

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