Chapter 2 - Who Do You Want?

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The blinding light from the gates at Everglen met Sophie's eyes as the warm, feathery sensation from light-leaping faded away. As her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness, she noticed Dex standing by her side, shielding his eyes from the gates as well.

"Hey," he mumbled a bit awkwardly when he noticed her. "Have you been waiting long?"

"No, I just got here," Sophie responded.

"How long do we have to wait?"

"Well, they have to reach the gates and—" Sophie was cut short by the sound of the gates opening. Apparently not that long is what she should've said instead.

"Biana!" she squealed, spreading her hands for a hug. Biana went towards Sophie and hugged her. Then she hugged Dex—which took him by surprise.

"I'm so glad you guys are finally here!" Biana exclaimed, slightly jumping up and down.

"I can tell," Sophie said with a little chuckle.

"Dex, you okay? You seem a little frozen," Biana asked Dex.

"Y—yeah. I just . . . um . . . can we come inside?" Dex asked. Sophie was a little curious as to why he was acting so nervously around Biana. 

Her long, dark hair was in curls and she was wearing a styled—but surprisingly simple—dress with a black top that went out into a white and black patterned skirt under the waistline.

"Of course, come in," Biana welcomed, and they followed her inside.

When the three of them entered the Vackers' mansion-like home, Sophie saw Linh and Tam waiting for the elves.

"Hi!" Sophie smiled toward them. Linh squealed a little and gave her a hug while Tam stood there in all his broodiness glory with his arms crossed—but Sophie thought there might've been a small smile placed on his lips.

"I'm so excited to get our Matchmaking Scrolls together!" Linh squealed enthusiastically, giving Sophie no doubt that she was just as excited as the rest of them.

"I am too, but I still don't completely get the system," Sophie questioned the group. "I mean, I thought we had to fill out the packets and then just request the scrolls when we wanted them."

"Well, we go to the Matchmaking Office so that they can make sure none of our answers changed on the packets. Since we already made an appointment for this Saturday—A.K.A tomorrow—they ask us questions and they use our answers to adjust the list of possible bachelors that are one-hundred percent not related to us and that match our talent status," Biana explained for Sophie.

She seemed to know how this worked really well. Though it might have been every elf in the Lost Cities knowing this, and Sophie just didn't really know with her lack of knowledge of the Elvin world—even after having lived in the Lost Cities for several years.

The seven of them already filled out the packets a year earlier because the councillors and their parents agreed that it would take their minds off of the defeat they had on the Neverseen and how the rebellion got punished.

"Oh, okay, that makes a lot of sense," Sophie responded to Biana's explanation, and meaning it. She was still a little upset about the "talent status" part. It's not the elf's fault if they don't manifest. They should still be able to be with the elf they want to be with without having all this shame being brought down on the both of them—unless they're related, then eww.

"So if you two could follow me, I'm going to show you where to put your things," Biana told Sophie and Dex, sounding like a tour guide in a museum.

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