Chapter 13 - Elves Can Party

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"Do we have to go?" Sophie whined as Biana stuffed a large bag into Sophie's arms.

"Yes! Don't you want to hang out with everybody? Plus, this will be your first elvin party. They're awesome!" Biana exclaimed, bouncing up and down. "And, you can wear a more comfy dress and you don't have to dance."

Sophie didn't say anything in response, but she definitely felt better about going now that she knew she would be in a more comfortable outfit, which, after taking a few minutes to change into, ended up being a lacy—yet surprisingly comfortable— short, red dress accompanied by a fluffy, white cloak and a pair of black leggings. Biana ended up wearing a gorgeous—of course—teal dress with a lacy, white top and black belt that separated the tight top part from the outflowing fabric.

"So . . ." Sophie said, adjusting the dress she was wearing a bit, "what are elvin parties like?"

"Basically human parties without the intoxicating effects from the alcohol they consume," Biana responded, fixing the adjustments Sophie made back to how they were before.

Sophie felt slightly annoyed with that and waited until Biana turned away from her to make minuscule adjustments again. "Wait, how do you know what human parties are like?"

"Psh," Biana scoffed, turning around just in time to see Sophie messing with her dress again and gave her a pointed look. "Who do you think taught humans how to party?"

"Teenager elves who were bored and snuck into human cities?" Sophie joked before realizing Biana looked serious. "Wait, actually?!"

Biana smiled. "Some of us like breaking the rules every once in a while."

They got to Candleshade soon after—Sophie having given into Biana's demand to fix her makeup—and the first thing Sophie noticed was how loud the human-sounding music was from all the way at the front of the property. As they walked to the skyscraper home, Sophie saw elves dancing and drinking out of cups on the grass.

"I thought Keefe didn't live here anymore?" she questioned.

"What?!" Biana yelled.

Sophie sighed, realizing the music was really loud. "I thought Keefe didn't live here anymore!" she screamed.

"He doesn't!" Biana confirmed. "His dad is away so he's just using this place for the party!"

"Makes sense!"

"Sophie! Biana!" they heard someone say as they reached the ascending steps of the tall house.

They look to their side and see Dex and Tam walking towards them together.

"Hey!" Biana called out. "When did you guys get here?"

"We came with Keefe and Fitz to help set up," Dex explained. He looked towards all the flashing lights coming out of the windows and sighed. "Yeah . . . they made me do everything that involves technology."

Sophie laughed. "Well, if it was left up to only Keefe, the place would look a lot crazier."

"True," Tam said with an eyebrow raised, running a couple fingers through his silver bangs.

Biana and the boys quickly ditch Sophie as they walk into the raving party. She didn't even noticed after a couple seconds when she tried saying something to them only to realize they weren't there anymore.

She sighed and began walking, seeing familiar faces in the crowd, though none she really wanted to talk to.

After walking around for a couple minutes, she saw the person she really wanted to talk to standing by the snack bar. Though, the relief she felt seeing Fitz quickly vanished when she saw two other girls talking with him. They were laughing and one girl had her hand on his shoulder while the other was drawing patterns with her finger on his back.

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