Chapter 12 - Lights and Dances

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The three of them entered the ballroom, standing side by side. The Foxfire Ballroom was ginormous—and in the Lost Cities, that's definitely saying something.

Floating lights that transitioned between colours dotted the air above them but were still beneath the skylight that encompassed the whole ceiling, revealing a beautiful fading sunset sky filled with the faint light of stars appearing. The lights reflected off of the crystal walls, creating beams stretching across the space above their heads. The lights seemed to change with the rhythm and beat of the music which currently slow and soft.

"Why are people looking at us?" Sophie quietly asked her companions as they made their way to one of the crystalline tables lining the circular walls.

"Because we're gorgeous," Biana immediately replied with a knowing smile and wink that made Sophie roll her eyes—though she could feel a little blood rushing through her cheeks.

They set their things down at one of the tables, claiming it as their own for the night, before two of their friends show up.

"Boo," the blonde whispers into Sophie's ear, unexpectedly, causing her to jump.

He and the strawberry-blond beside him started cracking up and Sophie smacked Keefe's shoulder.

"Not cool," she mumbled.

"I couldn't help it," Keefe said when he calmed down.

"Right," Sophie said sarcastically before giving Dex and exaggerated hug. "Oh, my goodness! How have you been! I haven't seen you, in like, six hours!"

Dex was confused before realizing Sophie was just acting friendly towards him to get back at Keefe.

"Where's my hug?" he whined, opening up his arms to embrace her.

"Sitting next to your sense of humour—oh wait, it doesn't exist," she said and Dex, Biana, and Linh coughed to cover their laughs.

He raised an eyebrow—though she saw the corners of his mouth struggling not to curl up—as he went in between Biana and Linh and gave them both hugs. "Well, it's not like you're the only girl in my life, Foster."

After he said that, Biana and Linh shrugged his arms off their shoulders—though Sophie's didn't miss the faint pink on Biana's cheeks—and Keefe rolled his eyes, earning a giggle from Sophie which made him smile.

Sophie had to admit that he and Dex both looked good with their black tuxedos—Dex's shirt and tie tucked in nicely and Keefe's messily untucked and hardly done. Dex's hair was combed neatly to the side and his periwinkle eyes seemed to illuminate from the lights while Keefe's hair—The Hair—was its usual mess, though, it seemed like he did put some effort into brushing it to the side.

She saw Keefe's smirk after he realized she was basically checking him out and she looked away, slightly blushing.

"So . . . where's Fitz?" she asked, changing the subject. "And Tam?"

"Bangs Boy started dancing with a girl—shocking," Keefe answered and Sophie's, Linh's and Biana's widened eyes proved that they really did think it was shocking that Tam would so much as give a handshake to someone, much less dance. "And Fitz is over there." Keefe nodded towards the dance floor.

Sophie felt her heart fall a little when she realized he was dancing with another girl, a smile on his lips as he was looking at her.

"Oh," she whispered to herself.

"Anyways," Keefe said, reaching his hand out for Sophie to take. "I was saving my first dance for you, Foster."

Sophie crossed her arms, but still smiled. "What happened to the other girls in your life?"

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