Chapter 8 - Top Tiers

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     Extra clothes—check!

     Ella—Sophie forgot to bring her. Maybe that's why she had trouble sleeping.

Sophie had everything she had packed for the sleepover packed in her bag, ready to go home.

Sophie kept finding herself randomly smiling whenever she thought about her time alone with Fitz during their last game of Basequest. She still had trouble believing that he even thought of her as more than a sister.

"It sucks that you two have to leave already," Biana said to Linh and Sophie, pulling them into a group hug.

"I know. This weekend went by fast," Linh responded. "And who knows, maybe if it lasted longer something . . . more would have happened between Sophie and Fitz," she teased.

Sophie rolled her eyes playfully as she pulled out of the hug. "Yeah, maybe," she said innocently. She still hadn't told them about earlier. She decided to change the subject. "But we should definitely should do this more often."

"Wait a second," Biana said, catching Sophie's tone. "Something did happen, didn't it?"

"What?" Sophie asked, playing dumb. She knew that she shouldn't keep secrets, especially ones involving Fitz, from Biana. And when, quite literally, nothing eventful had happened; but, for some reason, Sophie felt that she shouldn't involve more people into it—even though Biana is his sister—until she knew what Fitz and her really were. "Nothing happened."

Biana narrowed her eyes at Sophie, not believing her. "Uh-huh, right."

"Do you know when we'll get our Matchmaking Scrolls?" Linh asked, and Sophie was grateful for the slight change in subject.

Biana shrugged, deciding to drop interrogating Sophie. "Either tomorrow or Tuesday. They have a lot of people working at the office, which means faster results."

Sophie nodded, deciding to trust Biana's judgement.

"We should probably start going. The boys are really impatient," Linh said and Sophie picked up her things.

"True," Biana said with a smile.

The girls walked out of the room and into the hallway where the boys were chatting while waiting.

"Hey, ready to go?" Linh asked her brother, walking towards him.

Tam nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be."

After saying quick goodbyes to everyone, the twins left to go home.

Dex had already left earlier—an emergency at the store his dad needed help with—leaving Keefe, Sophie, Fitz, and Biana.

"Bye, Biana," Sophie said, hugging her. She awkwardly made brief eye contact with Fitz before walking over to the leapmaster.

She heard Keefe whisper something to his best friend before catching up with her.

"You excited, Foster?" he asked with a smirk after he called out "Candleshade" to the leapmaster.

"Excited for what?" she asked as she waited for the beams of light to fully appear.

"To see your scroll," he said, like it was the most obvious thing in the universe.

Sophie shrugged, looking at him to answer before walking into the light. "Clearly not as much as you are."

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