Chapter 15 - Damaged Life

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She didn't have to turn around to know who it was that called out to her.

"Hey, Biana," Sophie replied, feeling guilty when her tone sounded more tired than happy at seeing her best friend. Sophie continued to sift through her textbooks, pulling out the ones she'll need.

"Um . . . how are things?"

Sophie couldn't help but offer a small smile when realizing Biana felt just as awkward about the situation as she was.

"I guess . . . Fitz told you about what happened?" Sophie shut her locker, careful not to slam it.

"Are you okay?" she asked, answering the question.

Sophie sighed then shrugged, thinking about how she spent the whole weekend trying to keep her mind busy and away from thoughts about what happened Friday night—and preparing for a new baby worked wonders.

"I guess," she responded, not sounding sure. "I mean, Fitz . . . maybe he liked me, but just not as much or not in the way I thought he did. And we still hadn't really talked about it so it's not like I can blame him for finding someone else—even if it is Stina."

"Are you crazy?!" Biana practically shouted, so startled that she even dropped her stuff. She let out an exasperated sigh as she kneeled down to start cleaning up—Sophie also helping her. "Fitz like likes you! Like, a lot. Like, so much he punched a bunch of holes in his wall because he screwed up. When he finally told me what happened, he told me he had wayyyyy too much to drink because he was so nervous about when you two would meet up."

"Seriously?" a cold, harsh voice sounded from above them.

Both Sophie and Biana groaned and rolled their eyes when seeing who it was.

"Stop making stuff up just to cheer up your friend," Stina told Biana with a sneer. Biana stood up straight to look Stina in the eye.

"And maybe you should stop meddling where you're not concerned," she retorted loudly and annoyed. "The only one making up lies here is you, you selfish b—"

"Biana," Sophie called out quietly and said person discontinued her sentence.

Stina smirked as Sophie stood up, too, handing Biana her books.

"Did Fitz forget to mention the part where he told me how he thought Sophie was really annoying?" she asked with a hyper tone. She let out a snort. "I mean, the only reason he feels bad now is because he knows how much drama this is going to cause and he's sick of being pulled into Sophie's . . . shoot! What did he call it? Oh, right! He's sick of being pulled into Sophie's 'damaged life.' "

That memory of Fitz calling her damaged when Alden's mind broke flashed to the front of Sophie's mind and her heart fell. She turned around to face her locker, opening it and put all of her stuff in it. Sophie also didn't want to give Stina the satisfaction of seeing her on the verge of tears.

"He wouldn't say that about her," Biana defended. "If anything, that's what he would say about you. Though, with your parents, who can blame you for turning out the way you did?"

"Biana, it's fine," Sophie whispered, slamming her locker shut. "She's not worth it."

Stina laughed—though it sounded more like she was choking, which Sophie would have preferred to hear from her. "But at least I'm worth Fitz's time more than you are."


Sophie had to grab Biana's arm before she could use it to punch Stina.

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