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Cameron's POV - The night before

"It was all going well until...'they' took me" I began

"AUGH. Cameron we've heard this story a billion times!" Jake complained.

"Jake you wanted a bedtime story and I am giving you one. So for once be grateful."


"OK, so there I was minding my own business when-" I was cut off be the lab door opening.

A cart was rolled into the room. Two tanks containing girls, one 14 and one 4, was on it. The 14 year old was starting to wake up. There was a man in the room with us who was spectating us. His face was covered with a bandana.

"I wanted them both done at the same time! What is wrong?" He asked in an angry, raspy voice.

"The old one was waking up faster than expected sir." The scientist stated.

*sigh* "Put her in the tank."

The scientist dragged the limp body out of the cage and into the tank.

"She cut herself during the transfer sir. Shall I-"

"No, she can clean it herself."

As the scientist left the room she began to wake up....

"Hey, they interrupted my story! Rude!" I said jokingly.

"Shhh!" Jake hushed at me.

"What?!" I said in disbelief.

"Be quiet Cam. She's waking up!"

And soon enough.


AUGH! She was so annoying! I guess I did kinda snapped, 

"HEY, some of us are trying to sleep!"

After I said that my best friend Jake spoke to defend her. He never does anything like that! Oh well. I guess i'll have to get used to her.

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