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Vivian's POV

I limped out into the village. There were Vampires everywhere. They were huge! Some were hybrids? Or something like that.

fox-human-bat hybrids? Or something like that

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There had to be hundereds of them!


I saw the village folk running for their lives down holes in the ground. I limped as fast as I could to the nerest one. There was a Vampire so close I could feel it's breath. It takled me. It turnd me on my back and stood over me. 

It began to speak. It's voice like a million whispers.

"So. You're the poor kitty Master is after, Hmmm. HA HA HA! You don't even know your true power?" It tilted it's head to one side and put it's sword to my neck. "Oh, don't be afraid. I have orders not to kill you. I'm just suppost to take you away." It spread it's wing ready to fly. I gave up. I was defenceless......Until.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Jake punced on the Vanpire and used an icicle he summoned to tear its wing. "Try to fly her away now." 

The vampire scratched Jakes cheast and Jake went rolling accross the dirt. I mannaged to break free of the Vampires grip. I kinda ran-limped to Jake and dragged him down one of the holes in the ground. The Vampire followed...but it was too big to fit in the hole.

The vampire sat at the enterace to the hole. "Here, kitty kitty kitty." HE would say over and over and over. He finnaly left a few days later.

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