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We get out of the car and Damien is walking to the front door and I drag my feet behind him. I know I get in my feelings to often...It just gets old fighting all the time. He is always so closed off with me...

{Damien's POV}
"Why are you still moping around Jade?" I ask her quickly so I can rummage through the fridge.
She rolls her brown eyes like she always does after she catches an attitude with me.
   "Dame, I just don't understand why you leave all the time. I mean I get you have to work..." Her voice trails off as she strolls into our bedroom. I follow her quickly forgetting about the food.
"Okay yes, I do have to leave all the time, I am a sports analyst...which means I travel." I say this as I walk over to her and hold her in my arms.
"We should move to New York, you and I living in the city...Its like what we always talked about when I was in college." I glance down at Jade. I am always taken aback from her beauty...Her eyes are dark brown that light up when she's happy, the way her curly natural hair falls down her back. Jades body is what gets me, when my hands run down her and I feel those curves...I can't stand it.
She looks up at me and finally smiles, her white teeth glowing in our dark lit bedroom.
"I'm sorry for being that crazy girlfriend." Her voice sounds small and I hug her tight.

"It's okay baby, I know you just worry about me. It's just when I'm working I can't really let you know what's going down." I tell her in the sweetest tone. "Did you see me on ESPN last night? Covering the Giants game? A nigga looked good right?" I laugh cheesing.

Jade answers, "Yeah I saw you...didn't look as good as Odell tho..." She says while taking off her clothes getting ready for bed.
I throw a pillow at her after hearing her answer.
I give her a kiss and slide out of our room.
I'm nowhere near tired, I slept enough on the plane. I trail back into our kitchen which is my favorite place in our spot. The kitchen is huge for a Nashville townhouse. Our home is nice for just the two of us. It is a three bedroom house, one room is my office the other is Jades library/beauty room but will turn into a nursery once we have a baby in jades words which I just roll my eyes at. I make more than enough money to support Jade and I plus a baby...I'm just not ready to be married with kids. Plus she is still in school at Tennessee State.

I swing the refrigerator door open grabbing a cold slice of pizza and a beer. I'm too lazy to cook right now. I drag myself over to the living room and slam down on the couch.

My phone starts vibrating in my pocket. It's an unknown number.
"Hello?" I whisper
"Hey Damien," I hear a woman's voice on the other end. "I saw you last night covering the game."
"Yup that was me..." I shoot back rudely.
"You know who this is right?" This mysterious woman purrs, tryin to sound sexy.
"Uhhhh...Nah, I don't know who this is, you do know what time it is right?" I look at the time on my phone, reading 1:00 AM. I don't even know why I answered this call.
"I was wondering the next time you come to the city you wanted to get drinks? Catch up with an old friend."
When the woman finishes her question I realize who she is.
I take a deep breath and answer her question...
"First off, yes I'll go get drinks with you Autumn...but you have to promise me you won't do anything to mess up my relationship with Jade."
I realize how nervous I sound.
The last time I saw this woman was when I told her about Jade...

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