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{Damien's POV}
Jade and I get off of the phone and I walk into the living room, I see Autumn putting on her clothes.
"Hey, so...this is weird..." I say, "How do you feel?"
  I look at her, she is so beautiful even after a night of sex and sleeping on a couch. I sit next to her as she leans onto my shoulder.
   "I don't know...numb I guess?" She says, "Did I hear you say baby in there?" Autumn looks at me, her face is begging for it not to be true.
  I shake my head "yeah" and run my hand over my head and face.
She laughs and smiles..."I guess we can't make this a regular thing then?" She stares at me. Her eyes are dark and I can't bare to look away. "I don't know Autumn, I've been thinking about this all night." My stomach drops at the thought of Jade finding out. She would kill me and Autumn.
  "I feel guilty about what we did last night. I shouldn't even answered your call at all." Her smile turns into a frown.
  "Yeah, I understand...I just needed to see you again Damien. I love you, I need you." Her hand covers mine as she talks.

   "I wanted to tell you that for years now...That's why I haven't been with anyone since you decided to leave me the last time. You need to leave her, you've been with her for almost ten years. You aren't married, it's clearly not going anywhere. I can be your wife, we can have the perfect life Damien."
    Autumn looks like she just confessed her deepest sin. I wrap my arms around her and she begins to cry.
"I can't leave Jade, and this was a mistake. I shouldn't have brought you here. You know that I love you but not as much as Jade." I reply to her.

"Damien...please. I haven't seen you in years and you treat me this way? I was all you wanted in college, you didn't even think about Jade! Do you not remember? You wanted to leave her." She pushes herself off the couch and stands in front of me.
     Her voice raising now, "You were everything to me, I might have been young but you have been the only guy I've ever loved!"
I look at her and laugh, "Autumn I have a feeling we love who we used to be. We aren't the same people we were, you are a Instagram model...you go to clubs, and I'm pretty sure you were a dancer for a few months." She gives me a side eye.
"That doesn't mean I'm a bad person I still make enough money to afford that truck out there...I pretty much stalk your social media anyway, I think about you everyday and I should be the one...never mind."' Her voice trails off.
       "Autumn I have to get ready for work soon so can we talk about this later? I don't know what I want to do. I asked Jade to move here so...yeah, I don't mean to be a dick but can you leave?"
I walk to the door and open it, she stop right in front of me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "you'll come around...you know you love me," she simply says while marching out the door.
     I shake my head and slam the door behind her. I go and finally prepare myself something to eat because I realize it's two o clock and I still need to workout and shower before leaving for work.

{Jades POV}
I can't believe I let Emory talk me into going to this party,  I look at myself in the mirror, I push on my stomach and I smile. I don't look pregnant yet, I'm still slim, my boobs are bigger and my butt is still thick. I look great, but feel like a train has hit me. My boobs are swollen...I throw up almost every morning but I guess it'll be worth it. I throw on thick leggings, and a thin soft maroon hoodie with a camouflage military jacket layered on top. My hair is up in a messy bun, I finish apply my finishing touches to my make up and walk out of the bathroom to see Emory and Jaxon. "Finally God, we've been waiting for ten years!" Emory whines and we walk out the door and I lock it behind me.
"So are you ladies ready to have the time of your life?" Jaxon asks as we gather into his suburban I sit in the backseat.
    "This party tonight going to be lit, my boy Jason is hosting it. He claims that the Migos are going to be there..." Jaxon and Emory go on and on about the party on our drive there.

      We are almost 25 and still go to shit like this? I roll my eyes and take out my phone it's almost 9, Damien is definitely at work right now...Ugh. I glance up and look into the rear view mirror and my eyes meet Jaxons, I can tell he's smiling. I smile back at him, I don't think he can notice tho.
    "Jaxon you should really pay attention to the road...not Jade." Emory laughs and looks back at me.
     She mouths 'told you' and winks.
      She's always trying to start drama.

*30 minutes later*
I climb out of the truck and stretch my arms and legs out, the three of us begin to walk and join the line of people waiting to get into the club. Jaxon is pretty popular in the clubs since he's a Dj, we work our way to the front after he works his magic. Jaxon is very attractive, he is tall and built for a skinny guy, he's light skinned and has the cutest crooked smile. He has always reminded me of J. Cole. Which there's nothing wrong with that.
      Emory takes my hand and she drags me to the bar, "I'll have a Jack and Coke." She screams to the bartender.
    The man gives me a look I shake my head no and he moves to prepare the drink.
    "My brother is great for getting us in here! You should dance with him, there's no harm in that!" She yells into my ear.
    It is so loud, Panda by Desiigner is blasting loudly. Emory is dancing while she sips her tonic. She offers me some and then remembers I can't drink.
   "Go find him! I got my eye on some candy right now!" She waves at a guy that is leaning against the bar.
I roll my eyes and tell her to text me if she needed anything. She nods her head and blows me a kiss and trails away.
  I hear her scream "Hey Daddy!" Her favorite line to greet with.

I shuffle around the packed club and see Jaxon around the stage helping out the Dj. He looks pisssed off but as soon as he sees me his anger fades.
   "Hey! Having fun!?" He leans into my ear and speaks loudly.
   "Well besides the fact we just got here...yeah!" I laugh and pull him closer to me.

Jaxon looks shocked that I'm trying to dance with him, I usually curve him until I've had some alcohol. I figured why not make the first move once and awhile.

The Dj puts on some August Alsina song and I dance with Jaxon. He backs up and we laugh. I actually am having a good time, I think I needed this.
Jaxon's runs his hands down my sides and we grind against each other. Damien would not approve but there's no telling what he does in New York...
"You had to come dance with me during a slow ass song Jade?" He asks up against my ear. I giggle and move away from him.

We've always been flirty but nothing has ever happened since he's Emorys half brother. We all grew up together, but he's a year younger than us, but that only mattered in school. We usually end up hanging out at clubs like this if Damien isn't here. We also have to save Emory when she gets wasted, if she doesn't go home with someone else.
We dance for a few songs, and end up outside he lights up a swisher and asks if I'm all right.
I answer, "Yeah...I'm kind of ready to go tho honestly."
   He takes a drag out of his 'cigar' and nods his head, his hand running through his facial hair. "You want to go to my place? We could watch some tv, and stop to get some wings and pizza. I know that's your favorite." He smiles and laughs. " I'll go to the truck and start warming it up for you."
       He throws his blunt out and tells me to text him after I find Emory and leaves.
I go back inside and look for this wild child, I scan the dark room and hear her laugh. I see her crowed by a group of people and she sees me and waves me over.
"Hey Jade! Did you dance with my brother?! This is Jayvon!" She runs her hands down this strangers chest, "He told me I'm the sexiest woman alive."
She slurs her last words and I know she's had three to four jacks. Jayvon looks like Future and nods at me, looking at me up and down. "Do you care if I take her?!" I ask loudly over the music.
     "You can have her!" He replies waving his hand away. Emory pouts and tells him to text her, she is a terrible drunk. She smiles at me and ask where we are going. I answer and we struggle to get to the exit.
      I see Jaxons truck, we help Emory into the backseat and I climb into the front.
    "Thanks, I'm glad we are finally outta there." I say once we are settled in.
     "No problem boo, so how drunk is she?" He looks into the backseat. We've been in the car ten minutes and she's already knocked out.
"She's to the point of drunk that's annoying...She'll probably be asleep all night." I answer.
The two of us laugh and we make small talk mostly about Damien and school. Since it is after midnight we get pizza and wings from a late night spot on Jefferson street near TSU. Jaxon lives next to campus in an apartment his dad pays for as long as he stays in school. He puts his SUV in park and I grab the food, he carries Emory inside. He lays her inside the spear bedroom, and sets her two aspirin and a glass of water on the nightstand.
"She'll be straight," he says shutting the door quickly. He goes and washes his hands and joins me on his couch.
I'm already stuffing my face with pizza and flipping through Netflix. We end up watching some random movie and I spread out after eating. Once the movie is over, I lay on head on his chest and close my eyes, I haven't realized how exhausted I was until now.

~~~ Hey readers! If you guys liked this chapter make sure to vote for it! Also comment if you enjoyed it! This is the longest chapter I've written. So yeah I'm pretty proud of that! 💁🏽~~

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