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{Jades POV}
I wake up the next morning with Damien next to me, I didn't notice him sneak into bed. I roll over to wrap my arms around him, I kiss his bicep. He smiles in response.
"Good morning fool" he says while turning to kiss me in return.
"Dame, my breath..." I respond pushing him away.
"Do you think I care? We've been together forever, I've smelt worse Jade" he shoots back kissing me slowly.
We lay in bed for awhile just talking about his recent trip and when he will leave again. I notice the time and realize I am probably going to be late for class. Monday's are not really my strong suit, Damien and I get out of bed and I watch him pull his shirt over his head, which is the one from the night before.
"Let's go out maybe get some breakfast or something." He says looking at me. I look at myself in the mirror across from our bed, my hair is still wrapped, I don't have any make up on, and I can't remember when the last time I washed clothes. I undone my wrap and throw on my jeans from last night and Damien's hoodie, I mean it's just breakfast.
After getting ready to head out, I feel sick to my stomach. I run to the bathroom leaving Damien behind in a rush.
"Babe!" He shouts as he sees me running to the toilet. I make it in time, but after getting up to wash my face and seeing my pale face, I realize what today is...I was supposed to start my period a week ago.

{Damien's POV}
When Jade runs to the bathroom I finally have a chance to check my phone, it's been vibrating all morning. I wonder if Jade even noticed. I glance down at my texts, it's Autumn. She is addicted to trying to get a nigga caught. I read her text.
It was nice talking to you last night, I can't wait to see you, Damien.

I don't respond I can't let her back into my life. Those four years with her, might have been great but that was years ago...I was young and dumb. My phone vibrates again.

Do you still got me wrapped around your finger don't you? You remember that time in my dorm when I did that dance for you? You want to recreate it again? Miss you Daddy.

I can't respond to shit like this, my mind is racing. It's too damn early to be acting freaky in my texts. Even if I do remember that night she danced for me...I was so stressed from school and needing to ace my economics exam, whew let's just say a nigga was well taken care of that night. I need to stop thinking about this, I get up and go knock on the bathroom door.
"Jade baby...are you okay?" I hear shuffling on the other side of the door and sniffing.
After a few moments I get an answer, "Yeah I'm okay...just feeling a little nauseous. I don't think I can go to breakfast." She says weakly.
"Well could you at least open the door?" I question her trying to jiggle the door handle..."The door is locked."
After a few seconds I hear a click and I open the door and see Jade leaning against the glass shower door. She looks ghostly and weak. I pick her up with ease since she weights next to nothing and lay her on the couch. She shows me a small smile and I give her one in return. "I think I'm sick, I think you should still go get something to eat tho." I kiss her forehead and suggest her to take off my hoodie; she complies and hands it over and I slip it on.
"I'll be back, I'm just running to the market across the street." I say grabbing my keys and slipping on my Nikes.
I close the door behind me, locking the door. The city is louder than normal, for a December morning. It is beginning to sleet which is never good in Tennessee. In the south no one knows how to drive in snow. I cross the street with ease and walk into the local store Jade and I love. The bells jingle and I'm greeted by the same woman I see every Monday morning I'm in town. " I saw you on Sunday Night Football last night Damien!" She says as she approaches me.
"How did I look Miss Hazel?" I smile as her dark hand pats me on the shoulder.
"You looked great as always baby. I'm so proud of you, a young man showing these young black kids that they can be on television one day too." Miss Hazel walks back to her check out counter. I've always thought of her as my grandma, she kind of favors her as well, with her salt and pepper hair tied up in a bun, her dark skin old and wrinkled with age, her eyes are wise and her height is only 5'5 compared to my 6'3. Shes maybe around seventy but she moves like she's 45. I love speaking with Miss Hazel, she always brings joy to my rather boring life.
I grab a box of Cheerios, a plastic carton or strawberries, and milk since I know the half gallon in the fridge at home is spoiled. Jade isn't the type to check the milk when I'm gone. After gathering my things and pay I say my goodbyes to Miss Hazel.
The sleet has turned into snow the small amount of time I was in the market, I can only imagine what it is like in New York...
And just like that my phone vibrates again...reminding me on Autumn.

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