Part 27

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Those four words played on repeat in my head.

" Time is running out "

" Time is running out "

" Time is running out "

" Time is running out "

They could mean anything. My dad might kill them ! It's my fault that they are in this; I HAVE to save them!!

Where are they ?

I looked around and around until I came across a rug on the far left corner of the room. What an odd place to put a rug? there must be another exit over there. I run over to the rug and lifted it up and to my surprise there was a trapped door. I opened the door and hopped inside. Once inside, I searched around the room looking for my dad, mom and Kaleb but of course they weren't in here.

My dad is  always one step ahead of me!!

I fell to the ground with my head borrowed in my knees and started to cry. I have to fix this. I have to save them. Everything's my fault.

I looked up wiping the tears off of my face while I looked around the room. I noticed something on the wall across from me. I walked towards the wall to see what it was. It was writing in the color red.



Is that someone's blood?

Who's blood is it?

Forget that. What do the words say? Again the words "Time is running out" appear.

"Time is running out" this time written in someone's blood. Has he already hurt someone ? or worse, Killed someone?  

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