Part 23

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I still remained focused on finding the stupid escape route. I looked and looked and looked. Where the hell is this damn thing!? I searched through every inch of the cement room but came up with nothing.

No exit.....

No way to escape.....

No freedom.....

Why oh why oh why????

I thought this was my chance at being free from everything. Especially my father. A time to start over and begin a new. To move on with My mom and perhaps even Kaleb if he didn't hate me now. I put him through so much shit. 

Why can't I just get out of this mess? 

Nothing ever goes in my favor...

I walked over to the nearest corner, sitting down with my head buried in my lap. I was about ready to give up. I have no faith in being able to get away from this crap.

Tears began flowing steadily from my eyes as I watched Kaleb and my mom search and search every speck of the room. They couldn't find the exit either.

I stood back up walking around looking all over the floor to see if maybe there might be clue to where I might find the escape door. 

I walked through every inch of the floor until i came across a old dirty rug. I lifted the rug up and I saw a lock. Grabbing the closest thing around me I began beating the lock trying to unlock the floor door. I managed to beat the lock off. Opening the door and looking down the floor door I scream, "I found the exit guys!! I found it !!" 

Kaleb and my mom both come running toward me in excitement. We look at each other smiling. I began climbing into the floor door trying to hurry so that my mom and Kaleb could follow behind me. I climb all the way inside the door until I reached the ground. I stood there waiting for my mom and Kaleb to get inside too. Once they had gotten fully inside I pulled the door shut. 

We looked around to try and see where we were. To see if there was another door that led to the outside of this place.

I noticed a door in the far left corner of the room. I motion Kaleb and my mom to follow me. We all made our way to the door...

This is it!!!!

This is my freedom!!!!

Our freedom!!!!

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