The New Saber

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I don't own Fairy Tail or any of their characters. I only own my OCs and anything they own as well. Nothing more, nothing less.

"I'm not surprised she's exhausted." Rose sighed as they stopped in the forest to rest. "She did throw a rampage for hours."

"True." Carla agreed.

Ayama averted her eyes to Anna who was still holding Shiro's dead body. "Oi. Are you alright?" She asked Anna, startling her a bit. Goddamit. Why do I care right now...?

"Um... I don't think so..." She mumbled, looking down.

"Do you really think you can become a guild mage with that attitude?" Ayama asked Anna, shocking her. Ayama but her lip, debating if she should keep speaking before continuing. "Dwelling on the past will corrupt you. Ask my older sister. She knows what it's like."

"Her name was Kagura, right?" Anna asked her for approval only to receive a nod.

"She didn't move on when she learned that her brother died and thought I had died in the hands of a dark guild." She continued with a frown as the other talked. "So, are you ready to meet the rest of Sabertooth?"
"Hogo-sha! I've returned!" A cheerful voice from behind the demon called.

Said demon turned around to see the female lion demon. "Hello, Mai." She greeted her with a smile. "Did you complete the job Mard Geer assigned for you?"

"Mm! The Wizard Saint is too soft for some reason." Mai replied as they walked down the halls. "Did you recruit anyone?"

"Come." She insisted as they entered the lab. "This is the only one that could withstand my curse. I believe her name was, Minerva."

Mai stared at the human's exposed body, examining her from top to bottom. "Are you sure she's ready, Hogo-sha?"

"Why would I bring her here if she wasn't?" She replied with a smirk. "You were more than ready when you were a small child."

Mai stared at Minerva before following her companion out of the lab. "By the way, where's Sayla-nee?"

"You'll see her soon."
"Ayama, could you tell Sting of this?" Erza asked her when they arrived near the train station.

"I was already planning to." She replied before mumbling. "I wonder how he'll react to this." Actually, no. I wonder how he'll react to me brining Anna to the guild. "Anyway, I hope Shiro will rest in peace. I can't imagine Machiko not going after the culprit."

"Ayama! The train is here!" Rose called. "Let's go before we miss our ride!"

Ayama nodded before waving to Erza. Machiko watched her board the train from next to Erza before looking at Shiro's wrapped up body. That demon... Will pay.

"Machiko-nee?" Wendy called from next to her. "Are you going to be alright?"

"I will after I pound that demon's head into the dirt." She growled with a scowl.
"Agh! I'm so bored!"

Rogue face palmed once again as Sabertooth's new master announced that for the 90th time today. "Sting, you don't need to keep saying that."

Sting sighed before sulking back into his chair. "Is it because Ayama's gone?" Lector asked him from his desk.

"Partly..." He growled. "Ever since I've become the Master of Sabertooth, I can't fight all the time like I used to."

We all knew this would happen. Lector sighed mentally.

"Master." Rufus called as he opened the door. "Ayama has-"

He paused before Sting bolted out of his office to see Ayama enter the building with Anna and Rose behind her. Although, no Minerva.

"Ayama!" He yelled, jumping onto the main level of the guildhall.

"Hello Sting." She greeted him with a small smile. "And before you ask, I have some good news and bad news."

"What is it, Ayama?" Yukino asked her.

"First of all," Ayama began in a cold tone as she sat down at one of the tables, "I found Minerva, but the bad thing is, she joined Succubus Eye, a dark guild."

"SHE DID WHAT?!" Sting and Rogue exclaimed, grabbing on her arms.

"Is it always like this...?" Anna asked Rose.

"Between all the yelling and this announcement, yes." She replied as she covered her ears.

"Calm down." She insisted before removing their grip from her. "Let me finish. She did that because she wants to revenge against Erza for humiliating her. It's a stupid reason to be honest."

"That's true...?" Anna asked Rose, still confused about this, only to receive a tired sigh from the exceed.

"Before I supposedly, "found" her, I saved someone who would like to join the guild." Ayama added before she paused. She walked over to Anna. "This is Annalice. She prefers to be called Anna."

"She's just nine years old, Ayama!" Yukino exclaimed. "Why-"

"She uses the exact some magic as Minerva." She pointed out with a deadpan expression, not letting the celestial wizard finish. "And since she is a mage, Anna has chosen to join this guild. That's up to "Master" to decide."

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Sting yelled as he destroyed a table in front of him, making Ayama sigh. "YOU KNOW I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT "MASTER" CRAP!"

Ayama held back a giggle before she asked, "Are you going to let her join or not? Not that I recommend it."

"Welcome to the guild." He replied as he held his hand out to Anna who took it with a smile.


I'm not going to be surprised if the girl dies on her first mission. Olga thought to himself as Anna received her bright yellow guild mark on the back of her hand.

... I'm actually looking forward to her progress. Ayama realized.
"Hey kid."

Machiko turned her head slightly to see Gajeel and Lily strolling up to her. She turned back to the small stone grave in the middle of the field near Magnolia. "What do you want, Gajeel?"

"Relax, kid." He simply told her as he placed a hand on her head. "Lily brought flowers. I only wanted to see 'er before she went off."

"You make it sound like you care." She snickered under her breath, but Gajeel heard her.


Machiko smiled a bit before Lily placed several roses on Shiro's grave. "We won't let 'em get away with this kid, count on it."

You're so soft Gajeel-kun~ Machiko teased through telepathy.

I SAID TO SHUT UP! He roared through it as well.

Suddenly, an explosion from Magnolia caught their attention. Gajeel turned to the Wizard Saint only to see her eyes reflecting anger and partly worry. "Another demon."

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