One on One

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I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. I only own my OCs. Nothing more, nothing less.

Kagura panted in exhaustion as she stopped nearby a tree on the outskirts of Magnolia. Well, what used to be of Magnolia. (Don't ask how she got there that fast.) She looked back up at it and noticed the explosions on the destroyed Cube that had crashed in Magnolia's ruined streets. "Kagura!"

Said person looked up to see Rose flying towards her at high speeds. Kagura ducked right as Rose came upon her and watched her crash into a tree. She giggled a bit before she asked her something in a serious manor, "Rose, why are you here?"

The black exceed stood up and exclaimed, "You need to help me, Kagura! Ayama's going to kill me!"

"Excuse me...?"

Rose sighed before grabbing Kagura by the back of her blazer. "Just help me!" she insisted hastily. "I was watching over Anna and then she suddenly let go and ran off!"

Kagura was even more confused at the mentioning of the name as Rose continued to fly over to Magnolia. It had only been a few days since she last seen them, and she was already missing everything. "Anna...?"

"I'll fill you in later!"

"You lie!" Ayama yelled as she unsheathed Burū Seishin from her belt. She has to be...

Mai giggled in amusement after Ayama had said that. "But it's the truth, little mortal."

The demoness shoved Ayama back before launching a spiral of flames at her. Ayama grit her teeth as she tripped over a stone and fell over in the way of the hot, burning flames, unprepared for the aggression Mai just gave her. Machiko forced herself of move out of her shocked state and slice the spiral of flames into two before it could connect with its target.

Machiko glared back at Mai who was smirking back. "Is the fatigue finally taking its toll on you, mortals?" Mai asked them with a sadistic smirk. "Are you finally giving up?! YOU'RE MORE THAN WELCOME!"

Machiko was going to step forward, but Ayama bolted back at Mai with speed excelling that of Machiko's. Ayama let out a battle cry and thruster both her blades aiming for Mai's chest. The demoness chuckled and leaned back to duck before she performed a back flip.

The silver haired Wizard Saint blinked at Ayama's sudden engagement and smiled. That's odd... But I would't say it's bad...

"RED ICE DRAGON'S DEMON BLADES!" Ayama shouted as she flipped both her blades backwards in her grip. Both blades were covered in both light and dark shades of red ice.

Mai growled before she leaped to the side of Ayama's first swing. This technique, again?! She thought as she caught Ayama's ice covered Burū Seishin. The demoness could feel her skin burning at this, but she didn't care.

The dragon slayer's pupils grew small before she thrusting her Arcieven forward towards Mai's heart. Mai leaped backwards at this and landed a few feet away from her. She scowled and dispelled the flames from around her claws before covering them in a red scaly substance surrounded by golden flames like before.

Machiko observed this and noticed how Ayama held a hand towards her. She knew what the dragon slayer wanted. "Alright." She complied as she closed her eyes. "If you need help just tell me."


Mai smirked and cracked the knuckles of her claws. "One on one?" She asked Ayama, smirk not leaving her face. "By all means, go right ahead. You'll both die anyway."

Fairy Tail: Two of the Four LightsWhere stories live. Discover now