Aftermath- Wait, WHAT?! NO!

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I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters. I only own my OCs and their weaponry. Nothing more, nothing less.


Machiko was on the ground, lifeless eyes staring off into the distance. Mai's sadistic cackle was heard all over the battlefield. Two individual demons heard her laughing and smiled in glee. Ayama only stared at the two of them, two unknown emotions striking her in the heart. She felt her blood go cold like it always does and suddenly, before she knew it, her Arcieven had collided with Mai's blade. Anger built up inside her like a volcano ready to erupt. "Damn you!" she yelled as she suddenly coated herself in scarlet red aura. "You will pay!"

Mai smirked and shoved Ayama back with ease. "What do you think you can do to me, Shōjo-san~?" She mocked her with her smirk widening.

"I'm going to stab you until you fall to the ground in front of me in a bloody heap." Ayama simply replied as she suddenly bolted towards her again. "And you won't survive!"

The demoness huffed in annoyance before she blocked Ayama's blow with her talon instead of her blade, causing blood to spray over Ayama's eyes. Mai quickly drop-kicked her into the ground before kicking her up again into the air. Ayama gasped for air when it was knocked out of her. Blood came from her mouth instead of spit as her body landed on the ground. Arcieven lay discarded on the ground where Ayama had dropped it.

The dragon slayer could her Mai's disappointed clicks that she created with her tongue as she strolled towards her body on the ground. Ayama attempted to stand up, lifting her head up, only for it to be smashed into the ground by Mai' boot. She coughed up blood as Mai lifted her blade to end her life. "I told you, mortal." Mai giggled as she held her sword above her head. "Both of you were to die today. Any last words?"

Ayama suddenly smirked, which confused the demon. "What?"

She looked up at Mai with only one of her eyes that had turned gold. "Yeah. Fuck you."

Mai raised an eyebrow, and shrugged the statement off. "DIE."

Ayama closed her eyes shut and awaited her demise... it never came. Suddenly, there was a strike of lightning which caused Mai to leap back from Ayama to avoid it. The dragon slayer glance up to see someone she didn't recognize at all. A young girl with long, straight, blonde hair stood in front of her. (She's the one up there.) The glove on her right hand sparked with blue lightning as Ayama took note of the silver chain on the girl's hip.

She stood up shakily and asked, "Who are you?"

The mysterious girl turned around and smiled. Then Ayama's eyes widened when she saw her eyes. They were Anna's blue orbs. "I'm here to save you, Ayama!" The girl replied with a smile. "It's me, Annalice!"

Ayama could only stare when she said that. Then Mai coughed, getting their attention. "So, what's with showing us your true form, you disgrace of a demon?" She demanded Anna who glared back at her.

"I couldn't just stand by." Anna told them as she shifted into a protective stance between Ayama and Mai. "Despite how Ayama disliked me at first, I didn't care. I could see something else behind those cold masks of her's that cared for her guild mates. And I can't let you kill her. Even if we're the same person."

Ayama's eyes widened, but she didn't say a word even though her mouth dropped. Anna's eyes went down to Machiko's corpse that was on the ground not far from them. This can't be right... she thought to herself. Machiko has even power to overcome Mai. Why didn't she use all of it...?

"So you noticed too." Mai stated as she turned to Machiko with a scowl. "That mortal held back on me for too long I just had to kill her for it." Then she averted her attention back to them. "But now that she's gone, I get to have even more fun killing you two."

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