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I desperately stared out the window, almost believing it would never arrive. Although half of me was saying it was on its way, I still had some faith. With a huff, I fell back onto the couch, not being able to look out the window anymore. My stomach felt uneasy, waiting for almost a month after the interview with the headmaster. If I didn't get in, I don't know what I would do, this is my dream school and I would be crushed if I didn't get accepted. I would be done for, that's what would happen if my parents found out I wasn't accepted.

I heard the click of the mailbox outside and instantly snapped up. I ran out the door and to the mailbox and the edge of the driveway. I opened it and rummaged through the pointless letters on top of the letter for the University. Once I found it, I stuffed the others back into the box, flipping the top closed and the arrow on top down. I ran back up to the front door, carefully tearing the envelop open. I read the first few lines:



I jumped for joy, barley trying to hide my excitement. I mean, what would you do if you got accepted into you favorite school? That's what I thought. I had tears forming in the brims of my eyes. Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy. I fumbled with the doorknob trying to get into the house, as my parents the good news. As soon as I ran inside, they crowded around me and grabbed it out if my hands.

After a few minutes, they read the entire thing and enveloped me into a hug. They squeezed and snuggled me, and then, let go.

"This calls for a celebration!" My mother exclaimed, clapping her hands.

"Why don't you get ready and we'll plan something to do today," My father said, smirk appearing on his face.

He handed me the letter back as I was about to walk upstairs. I opened my bedroom door, lightly tossing the fragile paper into my room and closed the door again. I walked down the hall and into the bathroom. I shut the door, before starting the water up. I striped down and hopped into the warm water.

I started out with shampooing my hair, which made my hair slightly lighter. I rinsed it out, only getting it in my eyes three times, the newest record. I then cleaned my body with the bar of soap that rested on the ledge in the shower. After that, I used conditioner, to soften my hair. I rinsed then shut the water off. I wrapped a towel around my small frame and left the bathroom.

I plugged in my blow dryer and began to brush my hair, while drying it. In the end, it came out like a big puff ball, until I styled it. I went through my closet, looking for the perfect outfit to wear. Well, when I went out to the mailbox this morning, it was a bit warm. So, I decide on a blue dress, that makes my eyes pop without wearing eyeliner. However, I am going to wear makeup. I just feel so, what's the word, oh right, dull without it. Even if its just a little and people may not know its there, but I do.

I put on some consealer all around the blemishes I had on my face, which weren't too many, thank God. I moved onto mascara and lightly brushed it onto my lashes. Next, was eyeliner. Since my hair is sorta red, I use black eyeliner. After that, I brushed some. blue eyeshadow onto my eyelids and added a touch of gloss to my lips. Finally, I was finished.

Before I left my room, I revised my letter, reading paragraph by paragraph carefully. I found out my class schedule and that I was in dorm 250.



Yay, its the prologue!

I'll eventually post the first chapter, but idk when so...yeah

Make sure, if you want a dedication:

•follow me on twitter {@dipdyedirwin or @rachel_horan }

•follow me on instagram {@rachel_lovelessxoxo @dipdyedirwin or @nialls_leprechaun115 }

•follow me on here

•AND tweet me, tag me in a picture {via instagram} or PM me, telling me what your wattpad is and 1 thing you like about the story

Thanks for reading:)


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