Chapter 21

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{A/N: Congrats! You got 1030 reads so here's the next chapter!}

Chapter Twenty- One: 


A few days after valentines day, Evelyn arranged a girls day out with Valerie and I. She felt bad that Valerie sat in the dorm on valentines day by herself, so we were spending the day together. Of course, this was her chance to get every detail out of me about my date with Niall.

As I got ready in the bathroom, the door burst open and in walked Olivia and her minions. You remember her right? The bitch who tried to make a move on Niall right in front of me? Yep, that's her. I rolled my eyes and continued to do my eyeliner. She walked up to the mirror next to mine, picked her arm up to fix her hair, but instead, she made the eyeliner pencil move and draw a line across my cheek.

"Oops," she smirked.

I didn't respond, but rolled my eyes. I used the eraser on the other end, but it didn't really help that much. I didn't want to use water because it would get rid of the consealer. Her minions gathered around her as she fixed her hair, making sure it was absolutely perfect. I accidentally brushed shoulders with Victoria and she shot me a death glare.

"Watch it," she sneered.

I shook my head and pushed the door open. I went back to my dorm to grab my things before heading off to Evelyn and Valerie's dorm. Niall had left, since he and his friends were spending the day together. I slung my bag over my shoulder along with my jacket, then began to walk down the stairs.


I lightly knocked on their door, letting them know I was here. Evelyn came to the door, which I assumed meant she was done getting ready. She let me into the room, without saying a word until she shut the door behind me. Automatically, she began screaming and jumping around. I laughed at her, knowing it was her reaction to me going out on a date.

"Details. Now," she smiled, patting a spot on the bed for me to sit.

"Wait! Don't start without me!" Valerie called, from her closet.

She ran out like a mad woman and sat down in front of me, waiting for me to talk.

"Well, when he asked he was extremely shy. He took me to dinner, then to see Endless Love," I shrugged. It wasn't that big of a deal.

"Aw, that's so sweet!" Valerie exclaimed.

"Yep," I said, very awkwardly.

"Okay, lets get going," Evelyn said, rising from her seat next to me.

"Where are we going?" I asked, standing as well.

"Just hanging," she smirked evilly.

I looked at her as she smiled. I smiled in response and followed her and Valerie out of the door. I could only imagine where we were going. We crossed the campus and arrived in front of another dorm door. She opened the door, which surprisingly wasn't locked, and walked in. Of course, it was Zayn's dorm. They greeted each other with a kiss, as his roommate stood there awkwardly. He looked quite familiar, I think his name was Louis. Evelyn laced her fingers with Zayn's and guided him out of the room with Louis following behind. We stopped in the middle of the campus, which I assumed we were waiting for more people to join us. Minutes later, Liam and Harry walked up to us. Valerie instantly fixed her hair and turned bright red, it was adorable.

"Who else is coming?" I whispered to Evelyn.

"Oh, um Niall," she smirked.

"What? He didn't tell me he was coming!" I nearly screamed in her ear.

"Yeah, sorry," she shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to where Valerie stood, staring at Liam and practically drooling.

"What are you waiting for? Go talk to him," I caught her off guard.

"Easy for you to say, your not shy like me," she twirled the ends of her red hair around her finger.

"Whatever, but don't complain when he gets a girlfriend that isn't you," I explained before walking away.


Shortly after Niall arrived, we all piled into Zayn's range rover and drove off campus. Minutes later, we arrived in front of a building. It definitely wasn't a restaurant since I heard screaming coming from inside. As we drew nearer, I was able to see loops of roller coasters. Then it hit me, we were at an amusement park. I was absolutely terrified of heights and roller coasters every since I was little. I had to jog to catch up to Valerie, who, yet again, stared at the back of Liam's head.

After paying for wristbands, we entered and immediately got in line for a ride. I gulped and just followed behind silently. When it was our turn, I showed the man my wristband and took the only seat left next to Niall. He smiled at me before pulling the arm bar down so it was securely buckled around us. I shut my eyes and almost had a nervous breakdown.

"Its going to be okay Ariana. There's nothing to be afraid of," he said soothingly.

I nodded and began taking deep breaths. Before I knew it, the ride had started. The coaster shot off the platform and began to slowly go up the hill. When we got to the top, I looked over at Niall, who interlocked our fingers together and gave me a reassuring smile. I couldn't smile back because right when I did, the coaster dipped and we were going down the hill. After the hill, it went up into a loop.

As the ride ended, I felt my fears wash away. I no longer had a fear of heights or of roller coasters. I felt like an entirely new person.



Yay I finally decided to update!

My kindle wasn't working, so I was going to write this on my phone, but I don't like using wattpad on it sorry.

Anyways, if you guys get the goal by tomorrow (which is entirely possible) I can't update.

I have softball tryouts and I'm really nervous.

So, what did you think about this chapter?

Leave your honest opinion below.

This weeks goal is 1260.

Thanks for reading:)


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