Chapter 11

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{A/N: Congrats! You got 130 reads, so here's the next chapter!}

Chapter Eleven:


When we got arranged at a table, and our order was taken, chatter filled the table.

"So, Ariana, I hear that Niall Horan is your roommate," Olivia said.

"Yeah, he is," I replied.

"So are you two dating? I heard that you spent Christmas with him," Alyssa asked.

"Yeah, I spent Christmas with him. My parents never showed and he let me stay with him," I shrugged, like it was no big deal.

"So, are you dating?" Victoria repeated.

"No, we aren't," I said.

"Yes! I was thinking of asking him out tomorrow," Olivia said, flipping her blonde hair off her shoulder.

"Yeah, go for it. I'm sure he'll say yes," I said, taking the charm of my necklace in my hand.

"Yay! Thanks," she smirked at me.

My face fell, but I hid it underneath my smile. I did have a thing for him, but I can never admit that. Here at school, he doesn't now who I am. Here, I'm just his roommate, nothing more, nothing less.

"So, have you met his friends? Like Harry?" Alyssa asked me.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"No reason," she smiled.

"Alyssa, here has a crush on him," Victoria said, as Alyssa blushed.

"I do not!" she insisted.

"Hes all she ever talks about!" Carly exclaimed.

"Its true, though," Olivia added.

All I did was nod my head. I really didn't have any interest in their conversation. All they did was gossip and it was annoying. I'm not the girl who goes around, spilling secrets. That just isn't me.

"So, do you like having him as a roommate?" Victoria asked after a long pause.

"Eh..hes okay," I half lied.

"Hes more than okay. Hes hot!" Olivia fanned herself.

"Not really," I mumbled under my breath, as our food arrived. Thank god.

As we all dug into our food, we fell into scilence. To everyone else, it must have been awkward, but it was quite peaceful to me. I don't know how much more Olivia I can handle. I know I didn't fully know her, but I can already tell shes a bitch and gets everything she wants, typical rich girl. How shes friends with Carly, is a complete mystery. She must be paying Carly to be friends with her. That's the only explanation I could think of.


After dinner, we left the restaurant and walked around a bit. I pulled my jacket tighter against my body since it was terribly cold tonight. I walked along side Molly, who, like I, got excluded from the group as they walked in front of us. I rolled my eyes every time Olivia talked, laughed or flipped her hair. It was just another reminder that Niall would be hers and not mine.

As we reached our hall, we opened the glass door and walked into the common room. It was crowded with people doing homework or meeting up with their friends.

"Lets hang here for a while, yeah?" Carly suggested.

I glanced at Molly, who nodded her head yes. I did the same, considering without me, she would have no one to talk to. We found somewhere that had six seats and sat. I plopped my purse down next to me and crossed my legs.

"So, Ariana, what dorm are you in?" Olivia asked.

"250," I said faintly.

"Great, maybe I'll visit. I think we can become great friends, don't you think?" she forced a smile on her face. She was only doing this for Carly.

"Absolutely," I smiled the same smile as her. I'm doing this for Carly and Carly only, I kept reminding myself.

"You too, Molly," she fake smiled.

"Yeah," Molly replied quietly.

With that, Molly got up and left. I don't blame her. I would have done the same thing if I wasn't such a good god damn person. Instead, I sat there listening to Olivia's ranting and the other three agreeing to every single thing she said.

"Well, its been fun, but I must be going," I said as politely as I could.

"So soon?" Olivia wore a sad fake expression on her face.

"Yeah, bye," I waved, then grabbed my pure and left.

I marched out of the common room and up the stairs to the second floor. All I felt like doing was sleeping and crying. I felt so forgotten with Niall and hurt by Olivia. But I guess they'd make the perfect couple. I can already see it now, them at their wedding day. I came to my room and opened the door. The lights were on and Niall was on his bed, playing around with his guitar.

I sighed and slung my tote around my desk chair. I dug through my drawers in search for my pajammas. With them in hand, I went across the hall to change. There, I saw Olivia and her crew. Great.

"Ariana!" Olivia exclaimed.

"Hi," I said, less excited.

"I thought you went to your dorm," she said.

"I did, its across the hall," I pointed towards the washroom door.

"Oh," she faked a smile.

"Where's Carly?" I asked.

"Oh, her. She went back to her room. Shes been following us like a lost puppy," she let out a laugh.

"Oh, and don't worry, Nialls going to be in good hands," she smirked after I didn't respond.

"Whatever," I said, ducking into one of the stalls to change.

Once I was done changing, they had left. I sighed in relief as I walked back to my dorm. I stopped outside, since I heard voices other than Niall's. It was Olivia.

"So, Niall, I was wondering, do you want to go to dinner sometime?" she asked, probably twirling the ends of her hair with her fingers.

"Oh, um..sure. I would love to," Niall said.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat, and tears brimming in my eyes.

"Great, tomorrow at eight. I'll meet you here," she said before walking out of the room.

I didn't have the heart to walk away and pretend I didn't hear anything at all. I just stood there, leaning against against the wall, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Oh, didn't see you there. And you were right, he said yes. Thanks for setting us up hun," she smirked as her minions laughed behind her.

She let out a fit of laughter, before turning on her heel and walking down the hall. My heart literally stopped, then I ran down to the common room. It was pitch black with no one in there. I threw myself onto one of the couches and pulled myself into a ball. I sniffled into my sweatshirt and threw my hood over my head.

I felt betrayed and forgotten, but over all, I felt stupid. I should have known he would completely forget about everything that happened over break. The kiss we shared, the presents we exchanged, the secrets all gone, all in the past. I buried my face in my hood and let the tears roll down my cheeks.




Dun Dun Dunnn...

Cliffhanger alert.

Isn't Olivia just a bitch?!

Personally, I liked writing this chapter, idk why.

Don't ask.

Don't worry, things will be looking up for Ariana pretty soon.

This weeks goal is 140 reads.

Thanks for reading:)


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