Chapter 25

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Chapter Twenty- Five:


After a few weeks without going to class, I was finally able to go back again. Honestly, I missed going to class everyday and doing homework. I may sound crazy, but homework beats being bored by a landslide.

Slipping on my shoes, I grab my tote and quietly leave the dorm. This semester, I have all morning classes, which means I'll be done before noon everyday. Niall, on the other hand, has all night classes that end at ten thirty. We won't have much time to spend together, but that's okay, at least we have a few hours. And that's better than nothing at all.

Using my map of the school, I navigate myself around and find where my new classes are being held. I walk through the door, holding it open for the person behind me, then walk through the halls. Finally, I found my advance english class and take a seat in the middle. I sit next to a girl who has slightly auburn hair, whose name is Aria, at least that what it said on her folder. Just as I was about to introduce myself to her, the professor walked in and began explaining how this class would work.

"For your first assignment, you are going to pair up with the person to your right and write a one thousand word essay on the history of the english language. You have three months," he explained just as the bell rang.

"So, it looks like we're partners. I guess we can meet at the library later on maybe at 3?" I asked Aria while she packed up her things.

She nodded, then left. I stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before I picked up my tote and walked out of the room.


After my classes ended, I went back to my dorm to find Niall still asleep in his bed. A smirk appearing on my face, I went over to his bed and started bouncing up and down on it. His eyes shot open the minute I started jumping, causing me to laugh harder then I already was.

"Hey, stop that!" he exclaimed grabbing onto my legs, causing me to fall on top of him.

I just kept giggling, unable to control myself as he kept tickling me as pay back. After he stopped, he planted a kiss on my forehead, making my heart flutter. I rest my head on his chest as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. I wish we could just stay like this the rest of the day, but sadly I have to go to the library and he has to go to class.

"What time do your classes start?" I asked.

"6:30," he responded running his fingers through his hair.

I just nodded at his answer, continuing to feel his chest rise and fall every time he would inhale and exhale. I felt it quite calming actually.

"I should get going," I break the silence and start to climb out of bed.

"No, please stay," he pulls my hand towards him.

"I wish I could, but I have a library date I have to get to," I sighed starting to fix my hair.

"With who?" he questioned while furrowing his eyebrows.

"This girl named Aria. We have a project due together," I answered slinging my tote on my shoulder.

"Have fun," he smiled.

"Thanks, you too," I smiled back before walking out of the room.

I walked across campus until I came across an old looking building that was the library. As soon as I walked in, I quickly spotted Aria sitting at one of the tables in the back. I pulled the seat across from her out and sat down, spreading my things on the table.

"So, have you started anything yet?" I asked her.

She just shook her head and continued to read the book that was in her hands. It was the exact book we needed to do this assignment. I nodded and went to search for a book just like it. I could already tell that whenever we meet it would be awkward seeing as though shes shy and doesn't seem to talk much. Sighing, I scan the shelves in search for a book on the history of the english language.


After wasting four hours in the library, we weren't able to find any useful information we could use in the essay. We finally decided to call it quits for the night seeing that we were both tired and hungry. Well, at least I was, she only nodded when I asked.

"So, same time tomorrow?" I asked, packing up my things.

Once again, she only nodded.

"I hope you know that you can be comfortable around me. You don't have to be shy, I don't bite," I chuckled.

This time, I got a smile and a little laugh out of her, which was a big accomplishment on both our parts. I waved, then left the library and walked back to the dorm. I threw my tote on my bed and plopped down alongside it.

Deciding on changing out of my clothes, I got up off my bed and grabbed my pajammas from my closet. I quickly changed into them, throwing the clothes I was previously wearing into the laundry basket on my closet shelf. I take out my contacts and place them back into the container, placing my black framed glasses on my face.

Sitting back on my bed, I pull the book I was currently reading from my tote and pick up where I left off. Eventually, I lost interest in it, so I marked my page and put it back in my bag. Looking around the room, I sighed. Its much different without Niall here and its a different I don't ever want.



Yay I finally updated after about 2 months!

I'm really sorry but I just haven't been having very much inspiration for this story at all lately.

Anyways, I hope you all like the new cover:)

This weeks goal is 140 votes.

Thanks for reading:)


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