Chapter 24

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{A/N: Congrats! You got 2.3k reads so here's the next chapter!}

Chapter Twenty- Four:


"Positive," I smiled up at him, my eyes growing heavier by the second.

"I love you," he whispered, before walking to his bed.

Suddenly, my eyes popped open and my breath hitched in my throat. Now I was wide awake and couldn't fall asleep because of the knots in my stomach. But at the same time, my heart fluttered with joy. Those words startled me, since the last time someone said those words to me something bad came out of it. Though, I turned on my side and tried to get some sleep.


The next morning, I was awoken by the sound of Niall's alarm clock going off. The first thing he did was come over to my bed to make sure I was okay.

"Morning beautiful," he greeted me, handing me a cup of water.

"Morning," I giggled, taking a long drink from it.

"How you feeling?" he asked.

"Okay, I guess," I shrugged, slowly sitting up in bed.

"Are you going to be alright by yourself while I'm at class? I can skip if you need me to," he offered.

"You don't have to, but you can..only if you want," I replied.

He nodded, before planting a kiss on my forehead. Then, he grabbed a change of clothes and walked out of the door. I reached for my phone on the bed side table and clicked it on. The bright light it gave off gave me an extreme headache. Quickly, I shut it off and set it back down, then laid back down. I sighed, closing my eyes and waited patiently for Niall to return.


After Niall left for class, leaving me by myself, I was extremely board. I was too lazy to move from my bed, so I just laid there. The light from my phone gave me a headache, so I didn't use my phone. It was fairly quiet in the hall, so I decided to take a nap.

Hours later, Niall came back from class with a to go bag from the cafeteria.

"Here, eat up. You need to regain your strength back," he handed the bag and a fork.

I slowly sat up, taking the fork and bag in my hand. I opened the bag and saw that he got me some pasta. I stabbed a noodle with my fork and put it in my mouth. Niall sat on the floor and watched me eat, making me extremely uncomfortable.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked, shifting my position.

"Because your beautiful," he replied.

I felt my cheeks getting hotter and my lips curled into a smile. I continued to eat, and before I knew, I had finished. I planted my feet on the floor and slowly stood up with the help of a pole attached to my bed.

"Why are you standing? You should be laying down and getting plenty of rest," he ran over to me.

"I was going to head to the bathroom," I replied.

"Here, I'll help you," he grabbed my hand and lead me out the door.

"Thanks," I said as he helped me across the hall.

When I walked into the bathroom, I saw someone I never expected to see again. It was Carly. She was standing in front of the mirror, talking on the phone and fixing her hair at the same time. She looked a lot different than she did when we first met. Now, her hair was all brown and she dressed sluttier than usual. When she saw my reflection, she told whoever she was on the phone with that she had to go and looked directly at me.

"Oh, its you. Haven't seen you in awhile," she said, sounding rude.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"You know how you've been hanging out with that red head? What's her name..Valerie? Anyway, I heard she has a crush on my boyfriend. You better tell her to back off," she put emphasis on boyfriend.

"Will do," I lied.

"Great," she snickered before walking out of the bathroom dramatically.

I fixed my hair in the mirror, then rushed out of the bathroom. I rushed into the room, grabbed my phone and walked back out.

"Where do you think your going?" Niall followed me.

"To Evelyn's," I replied.

"No your not, you need to rest and by going over there your not going to get any rest," he said, pulling my arm toward the room.

"No, please this is important. I swear I'll rest later, but this can't wait," I begged.

"Fine," he breathed out.

"Yay, thank you!" I exclaimed, giving him a hug.

"But, take it easy. I don't need you getting hurt anymore," he said, hugging me back.

"Got it. Bye!" I called when I left down the hall.

I crossed campus with the help of several objects since I was still a bit too weak to walk by myself. I had to shade my eyes since the sun was giving me a really bad headache. Soon enough, I made it to Evelyn's dorm. I knocked on the door, hearing loud sobs coming from inside, giving me the hint Valerie already knew. Evelyn came to the door, ushering me inside.

"Ariana what a-are you d-doing here?" Valerie hicupped.

"I came to see if you are okay," I replied.

"Yeah, sure I'm fine after the love of my life has a girlfriend," she starts bawling her eyes out.

I sat down on the floor next to her and rub her back soothingly. I really did feel bad for her. I know how bad I felt when Niall had a date with Olivia, so I know what she feeling. Valerie hids her face in the crook of my neck and cries, most likely getting her makeup on my skin and shirt.


The rest of my night was spent making sure Valerie was okay even though I left their dorm a few hours ago. Evelyn would give me hourly updates and tell me to call her to make her feel better. Eventually, Valerie finally calmed down, but still wasn't talking and pretending it wasn't happening.

"Everything alright?" Niall asked walking into the room with his hair dripping.

"Just fine," I replied.

"That's good," he kissed my forehead.

"Hey! You got me wet!" I exclaimed.

He shrugged laughing a bit. I smiled at him before I shut my light off and tried to fall asleep.



Yay! I finally updated!

I am so sorry for the long wait.

Its just I had really bad writers block and I just wasn't into it as much as I was.

Anyways, this weeks goal is 90 votes.

Thanks for reading:)


P.S. - you'll notice I changed the cover as well. leave me your opinions on it below:)

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