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After Najma spotted Tanveer on the road she felt uncomfortable that she was also dropping her kids and Najma quickly drove to school and dropped the girls to school. Najma ran home quickly and huffed until she saw her mother Dilshad on the sofa.

 "Ammi...you would not believe me but I saw that blind cat...Tanveer saw almost spotted me when I didn't have my disguise on...But she didn't see me, but then I realized that she was blind". Najma said.

"Well, that was scary and good that she didn't recognize you or there would be trouble. I wanted to let you know that next time if she sees you, you can just pretend to ask her 'Who is this Najma that I resemble? Because my name is Naina' by that you can escape". 

Afternoon in School

Sanam and Seher were in their homeroom finishing their homework for math because for them math is a nightmare and they hate solving the long equations. But they were serious about their grades, though. "Suneri! Can you come outside for second?". Rehaan asked. When Seher and Rehaan stepped out of the class. Rehaan had a bouquet of pink roses and a heart shaped chocolate and also a poster that says "Will you be my princess entering my castle?". It was said in big and gold letters with a drawn picture of a princess and castle, under that a tiny sentence written: "Will you go to homecoming with me?". Seher was shocked and surprised  to see this. 

"YESSS!!!!". Seher said out loud. Everyone ran out of her homeroom to see what was going on and but everyone was laughing and saying "Aww". Sanam and Aahil also ran to see what happened but their love bond did not happen to go well when Aahil was caught staring at Sanam and when she walked back in the class, middle of the Seher and Rehaan movement. 

Aahil walked back in the class looking for Sanam to talk to her why she was sad to look at their sibling being happy because it's been 3 months ever since they broke up. Sanam tried to ignore him when Aahil tried his best to talk to her but it failed, but when everyone returned to the class and Seher was about to start her homework when she saw Sanam crying, she asked what the reason was. 

"What happened Sanam? What's wrong?". 

"I don't know Seher...I don't know what to do when I still have the feeling for Aahil after we broke up. We still talk and I do like him back but the reason we broke up was because he was betraying with Divya. I just don't know what to do now?".

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