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Authors Note: 

Hey guys! its been a long time since I have posted it so far. I see that you guys like my story so you add it to your stories and vote too! I don't know what to say... Thank you so much!!!!!!!

Sanam's POV: 

*In Room*

I was confused when Seher asked me about the Aahil and Rehaan. I do know that my parents has told us to stay away from them but I know even though that their mother has tried to kill my parents, those boys are not involved with her. "Seher? What are you doing here?" I said tried to wipe my tear. I couldn't hold the pain behind me because I really do love Aahil. "Sanam, I...I wish I could say this...but I think we should stop seeing out the boys because now I think they are going to find out by his mother if our parents are alive..". I said. I was scared that I would not see Aahil again. I was scared that the horror of my parents would start again. "Sanam, its ok! We are still in high school! And plus we may never see them again if we continue our actions on focusing on those boys...then our studies! Anyway, my cry drama queen cheer up because today everyone in our house is going to the amusement park". I wiped my tear  and I was back to the mood of being happy girl. 

Aahil's POV:

*In Room*

I know that Sanam's parents doesn't like my parents because they are rival companies...But, it doesn't mean that I can't see Sanam nor stop being her friend or something. "Aahil beta! I will going to the market to get some shopping done for your sisters! Do you want to come?". Mom asked in polite shouting way. I like shopping...It is  just that I can't pick the right clothes. "Thanks for asking ammi, but, I think I will skip for today. I have homework to do and study for the test coming soon!!!!!!". I had to finish my homework or I don't want to be an idiot standing in the desk with both of my hands being raised like last time. I quickly went to the storage room to get some craft supplies from box .

 "Crap! there are too many things in here, where I will find my supplies that I need!?". I was puzzled, confused, and don't know what to do?". I looked trough some things that were there in the box and found a picture of two young people and Ammi all together in a wedding . But, the picture looks destroyed that it also has an red "X" on the couples. What was the reason behind this picture I wonder? 

Author Note: 

Looks like Aahil found a picture of Sanam's parents and Tanveer? Now, what is the reason behind this and how will Aahil find the truth that has been hidden for 16 years. But, girls knows and boys don't?

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