Concussions suck

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So as u know I told u guys (if read the thing) that I wasn't going to be updating my books for 2 weeks because of Somers camp. And well yea after camp I got sick for another 2 weeks and my dad took my iPad and iPod to download some stuff on to.......(drum roll)

Almost there

Not really but almost

so yea so I'm at school for 2 days after getting better from having da flu 3rd day on the Wednesday 2 boys were doing trick shots with soccer balls in the portables and I was reading (unfortunately not fanfics😭) and the soccer ball hit my head causing me to flinch back hitting the other side of my head on the metal wall. The thing is the day before I fell backwards in sport while playing handball and hit the back of my head on the wood floor boards. So another 2 weeks off find out I had a concussion.
AND SO FINALLY I'm back at school for 3 days and it's Wednesday and U know what, I like playing volleyball with my friends and my one 'friend' who was supposed to meet up with me didn't and when she does she annoys my friend and distracts my team and she walks of mad and so this 'friend' of mine is back support and is trying to make my team loose. So the ball is coming towards me I'm about to hit and she PUNCHES me in the head where the metal walk hit.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
So next week I will be updating finally

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