Contaminated water

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This model of water and contaminated water is to show why and how it is killing sea life. Sea life is meaning fish, plants, birds, crabs and many other sea creatures.

Water a precious substance we all need to survive. Salt water is a home to many sea creatures and is a necessity for theses animals. If this water becomes polluted the sea creatures and plants can die.

Sometimes, humans create this contaminated water without realising it. Water can be polluted by littering and the dispose of oils. But how does the oil effect the water if it doesn't mix?

As most people know, oil and water don't mix. The oil stays ''a float" and it becomes a liquid barrier between air and salt water. The thing is, all living creatures need to breathe air. Fish need to come up to the surface to breathe but the oil is blocking them. They consume a whole bunch of unnatural oil and it strangles them from the inside killing them.

Not to mention dolphins getting themselves tangled in plastic bags and other littered materials that SHOULD be thrown in a garbage can. Disappointment
All these animals are dying because of us, we can stop this by putting rubbish or recycling items in the correct rubbish bins and help clean up people's mistakes

Our opinion
We think that this is such a terrible way to kill our sea life that brings wonder to many people. It would be disappointing if you went to a beach to have fun and the view was tainted by dead animals and a trashed ocean.

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