Serious talk(not really)

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Hey guys it's Baka and I'm talking about what happened today. First things tho u need to know who I am. I'm a year 7 who has Insomnia which is a sleeping disorder. Search it up if u want to know more about it. Anyway so I don't get much sleep and this causes SO much anxiety for myself. I know my writing is crapè but it's my way of letting something of my shoulders. I'm a typical fan girl yet I'm the teachers pet. I put so much effort in my work but I don't think I get enough of a good score. I always dis myself, a voice I'm head saying "do better" and I try so hard. I'm a complete fangirl and yea I cosplay now and then. ANYWAY today we had a CAT meaning common assessment task and this was for English. We had to read a book and do an oral presentation on it. We had to bring 8-10 items that relate to the book. My book was Kingdom Keepers Disney in Shadow (unfortunately not FANFICTION but go read it it's a good book) Every student was supposed to do it. I had 4 people in front of me also to add this was all random selection. I was hyperventilating a lot and my awesome English teacher was getting students to pick the names out of the bag. My friend asked if he could pick a name and he choose mine. My BEST was cheering me and I got up and set up the table with my items for preparation OH YE I forgot! I was full on cosplaying as one of the characters, I was dressed up like her with hair, shirt stain,every detail to a T. I was the only one in the class like this. I got up and the teacher talked about having respect for others before because during other presentations they were talking. When I was ready she said go and I began my presentation. I stared off sounding really soft and not wanting be here kind of voice and then I put the foot down and started it for real because life is a highway (sorry that's what's playing as I write this can't wait for cars 3) I began and I felt so demanding. I asked if I could have the lights off for my hologram, yes I did that. If they wanted to see it up close since it was small they could come see it. They went back and I explained my other items and then I said "um" .....WHYYYYY!?!?!?  I SAID UM IN MY PRESENTATION THATS LIKE TAKING 10%OF THERE WHOLE MARK RIGHT THERE anyway I brushed it off and I forgot one of my words that Disney use specifically for Epcot which is pavilion for the world showcase anyway half way through my items, it happened. One of the boys talked and I turned my head to them and another one said something and my teacher gave them the stare of "SHUT UP" and I lost it, my thought was gone. I felt my lungs collapsing inside, I couldn't breathe I was looking at everyone and I found my friends with a horrified expression asking/mouthing "are you okay?" I shook my head began counting to 3 over and over again until I was ready to talk again. My horrified expression turned into a sickly sweet smile and I went straight back in, shaking. When I was done the bell went and people kept clapping. I shoved both hands on the table for support and I was done. I couldn't stop shaking, I had people saying "your going to get 100%" or "that was awesome" we had to have feedback and questions on Wednesday but I had to stop and think. Did that seriously just happen? I just had an anxiety attack half way through my presentation. I just single handily ruined my score for this CAT I couldn't breathe. Sorry I just had to get this off my chest and shoulders AND soul. Oh wait I don't have one. HAHA funny-_-
I would just like to thank my friends on WATTPAD who support me and my BEST and my soul sister

Anyway Baka out


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