Student LED 2018

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Japanese Introduction

Konbanwa. Kochirawa homurumu no sensei desu Daaga sensei desu. Kochirawa otousan to okaasan desu. Kochirawa oneesan desu. Jikoshoukai o shimasu . Watashi no namae wa Ribi desu. Jyuusan sai desu. Hachi nensei desu. Tanjoubi wa ku gatsu nijyuusan nichi desu. Shumi wa anime to dokusho desu. Boudan Shounendan no ongaku daisuki desu. Nihongo sukoshi dekimasu. Taiso o shimasu. Pasuta o tabemasu demo niku o tabemasen. Amerikano pinku remoneido o nomimasu demo sofutodurinku o nomimasen. Eigo ya Nihongo ya Suugaku ya bijyutsu nado benkyoushite imasu demo watashi wa shippai desu. Douzoyoroshiku

Good evening. This is my Homegroup teacher Mr Dagher. This is my Father and Mother. This is my Older sister. I will now introduce myself. My name is Liv. I am 13 years old. I am in year 8. My birthday is on the 23rd of September. My hobbies are anime and reading. I like BTS' music. I can speak a little Japanese. I do gymnastics. I eat pasta but I don't eat meat. I drink American pink lemonade but I don't drink soft drink. I study English, Japanese, Math, Art etc. Thank you


Now to properly start this off, welcome to my student LED presentation for 2018. This is my homegroup and science teacher Mr. Dagher and these are parents Peter and Barbara and this is my older sister Eden. Today I will be talking about my growth from year 7 to year 8 in the selected 4 subjects. English, Art, Maths and of course Japanese. I will also be talking about Copperfield's behaviour matrix and my writing goals from last year to this year. Hajimemasho, lets begin.

Writing Goal

To start off I will be discussing my writing goal, out of school I write stories and publish them online and I do believe because I do this 'extra activity' my writing level is quite high as I have discussed this with my English teacher Ms. Ghazale. My writing goal for year 7 was to make sure to proof read and focus on text structure and in year 8 my goal is to include quotes more fluently into my writing more so when writing essays. I don't enjoy writing essays because of the boring structure one must follow so my writing style is quite blunt when writing them. I achieved this in my text response CAT on Trash in my conclusion using the tag line from the novel itself. Still I hope to improve my writing more.


During Semester 1 of this year, I must admit I was on edge for English. As of last year I wasn't quite proud of my English scores so I strived to improve this year. I may like English but I'm not necessarily confident when it comes to assessments. My goal was to improve on speaking in front of others in the Oral Presentation focused on an issue of our choice. Coming into term 2, I lost a lot of confidence and I wanted to gain it back and this seemed like the perfect way to do so. I didn't make my life any easier and went up and beyond with the draft for my speech. When reading out just my speech using no visual aids I managed to go over the time limit by a few minutes. I practised and practised in front of my friends and even myself through a mirror. My issue that I decided to present about was 'Discrimination Against Stereotypes and Fandoms'. My overall score for the CAT was a 92% when my average goal was 80% (actually it was 60% but it was forcefully changed). I was quite proud of what I have achieved. Looking back from last year to this year I have actually dropped by 6% for oral presentations. This doesn't worry me as I am still proud of what I have achieved with what little confidence I had compared to last years and how harsh the rubric was. I still managed to speak at an above standard level for year 8.


Taught by Ms Talevski, I wasn't quite interested in this subject as a main focus. I did not expect to achieve as high as I did. For Semester 1 we had two common assessment tasks, the first being about typography & letterform and the second about portraiture. I quite liked both topics in this subject as a whole and for once I didn't get bored. My goal for semester one was to complete an art CAT at year 8 standard. Somehow (miraculously) I achieved this goal with both my CATs.  For Typography & letterform overall I got 91% and for portraiture I also received a score of 96% both of which are actually above year 8 standards. From 2017 to now, comparing last years scores to this year, I haven't improved much yet this year I have actually put effort into this subject rather then brushing it off as 'more school work that must be done'. At home while it wasn't compulsory I did study up a little bit on the topics we were focusing on in class. I do believe this helped me achieve my goal and it's a strategy I can use for other subjects as well as Art.


I'm going to say this now, I don't like math and math doesn't like me. Simple. Math is probably one of my most weakest subjects but its one I work super hard to improve. My teacher, Ms Constas, always believes that I am one of the "smart kids" and expects a little to much of me when it comes to math. My goal was to understand how to implement maths into real life using fractions and ratios. I felt this was an important goal because as we know math is in our everyday lives and my teacher wouldn't forget to remind us that this topic was most important. As usual we were assigned questions from the textbook and were given worksheets. I did some extra homework as well with this subject to help me achieve my goal. Once again my efforts paid off. My self assessment for this CAT was 54% this being because I have no confidence in my mathematics abilities fortunately my score for this CAT was also above year 8 standard. For Real Number, Money and Financial my score was 96%. Looking back from last year to this year, I have put a lot more effort and have started asking questions when it comes to math.


Moving onto my final subject and my favourite. Japanese or Nihongo if you will. For the first semester we had 2 CATs, the first being the topic of food and drink which was a speaking CAT and the second on days, dates and months which was a listening. To be honest I found these topics quite boring. This only being because I've previously learned the criteria from studying at home. Because of this I continued to do extension work at home not only for this topic but others as well. I went up to my teacher Ms. McMillan also seeing if she had anything for me to do that wasn't what I had already learnt. Talking to her we made up a goal that I felt was great for me, this goal being to start using more common kanji characters when writing in Japanese. The first CAT was the perfect opportunity to do so. We had to write a script in Japanese for a roleplay about foods and drinks. I made 3 scripts for this with my partner Qirat. 1 in English, 1 in Romaji and 1 in Japanese. The Japanese script had a lot of simple characters that I had been learning but I still wanted to expand. These are only 16 out of the 50 I've been trying to perfect. Overall for the CAT I got a score of 100%. Still wanting to learn more I made a second goal for myself which was to learn how to read an write all katakana characters. With the topic we are learning now is to do with sports and hobbies and the vocab has a lot of borrowed words so they are written in katakana. I even got to teach my class a sentence and a new kanji character. While I was still practising new kanji characters, I practised on my own accord to remember all the katakana characters. Once I thought I was ready, I asked my teacher if she could test me and here are the results. I found this goal was important to me because in year 7 I stayed well away from what I called the death of me when learning the language but this year I've taken it upon myself to keep pushing forward instead of giving up on the complicated strokes. My motivation was probably my up coming trip to Japan which I am thoroughly excited for.


Students are expected here to follow the Behaviour Matrix which includes the tropes of being respectful, responsible and to value relationships. I need to work on valuing relationships as I have been having some social problems out of the classroom with others. This is so this doesn't effect my behavioural habits in class as it has this year. I have also tried to be more responsible in terms of my learning. Usually I'm not the one to ask a teacher for help, I'm really quiet and stubborn when it comes to stuff like that but I've started to ask more questions and get help when I need it. This was noticed early by teachers some how as I received another Triple R award for term 1. My teachers noticed my efforts to take an active role in my learning. Yet I still hope to improve.


This year I have learned one main thing about myself and I'm pretty sure all my teachers have noticed it as well. I have no confidence. I am a harsh assessor when it comes to the work I have produced. I always think I could do better on everything and to be honest I don't think that's going to change. Its come to point where I would write down self assessment score only to be turned down by a teacher to think again. I feel like I've only gotten worse from last year to this year in terms of my education. I'm not as enthusiastic about learning anymore but I still put in all my effort to do what I can to get the best possible mark. I still need to improve maths and science as they are my weakest subjects. I'd like to thank you all for listening to my presentation and I hope you've gained some insight of what I've been working on throughout the year. Before I end the presentation does anyone have any questions?

Well shxt time does fly by

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