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HEYO I've been offline a lot (I sound like someone from SAO) because well a drama kind of happened and my technology was not present so sorry for leaving you fellow Wattpadians in the dark. Also there's a problem, the truth is I haven't watched Aphmau in almost 3 months now, and I know your all like "but your books are all based off of the work she did the past" yeah no that's true but I only write when I have a drive or a passion. So now I'm going to watch all of her videos before I head out on my holiday which is on the 24th of September (and my birthdays on the 23rd :) so when I get back which is half way through the second week of the school holidays I'll watch the ones that missed while on holiday and when school starts up again I shall write and update. The date the chapter comes out will be on the 10th of October. So updates on my Aphmau fanfiction will be updates every second week. My school work is top priority as well as my extra Japan studies which I hopefully will go to Japan next year. But every other week I will be releasing a NEW AND IMPROVED -ahem- sorry, anime fanfiction so I have ideas but I'm not sure which anime to do it on. Lastly I promise, and on weekends if I feel like it I will do my -cough cough- book so I hope you keep reading and enjoy

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