Chapter 12- Ben!

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I sat there half asleep. In the same damp, cold room. I'm bored, tired and lonely. I'm hungry too. Hopefully if Ryeli comes she has food!


My baby.

My everything.

My w o r l d.

God. I love her.shes so perfect in every way. Her personality is the best. She so strong, sweet, and caring. I hope she's the one. I don't want to say that she is the one though. What if she leaves me? Forever. Then I will have a broken heart. But worse the first time because I thought she was the one for me.


I'm pretty sure I've lost myself.

In directions and thoughts.

This so difficult. I can't team we what street in on, but I guess I'll find out when I find Huggmyrsbäcken St.


Almost back to Cali. Yes! I missed the warm weather, sand in between my toes, then sons of the waves and the pretty girls.

Pretty girls.


No. I have to let go. If she comes back then it was meant to be. Right? Or do I have to fight for her love? I don't know.


At a point I want to go after Ryeli. But. Why go some where when you could stay home eating food in sweatpants and a sports bra? Then your safe. Jokes on you Ryeli.

Well. I guess she has someone that loves her and she's chasing after them.

I'm just a loner. On the couch. Eating whatever I find. My mom was supposed to be home schooling me today, but I told her I didn't feel good so I could have a "me" day.

Best thing I ever done.



It sounded like a door slamming. Not to mention is scared the poop out of me! It left me anxious. What's going on? Was the only question that popped into my mind.

Maybe it's Ryeli?

Can you tell I miss her?

Everything that happens makes me think it's her. I wish she wouldn't have left me. None of this would've happened. I wouldn't of been on the streets and I wouldn't of gotten kidnapped. What is my family thinking? They've probably already called the cops to come and find me. I miss then too. I guess you realize how much you love someone when they're gone.


Here I am. In front of the only building on Huggmyrsbäcken St.

There were two black cars parked up front. I looked around back and I saw two some what big guys.

They evidentially saw me because they started running my direction. I smashed through the doors and searched for something to defended my self with. I ran down the hallway and came face to face with another man. How many god blessing men are in this building?

I looked around and it wasn't just one guy. It was about 10 of them. A couple of them were extremely muscular. The rest were just fit.

The one I bumped into threw a fist. My fist reflex was to duck. Then I drove my fist into his nose. The rest of the guys came dodging at me. I had two coming at me at once. I did a front flip and kicked them both at once. Good thing I learned gymnastics!

Looked in front if me and a buff guy was holding a gun. For some reason this reminds me of my dad. I felt the anger rising. I clenched my fists.

"One move and I pull the trigger" he said. I looked around and noticed there were cabinets behind him.


There was a loud noise coming from the other room. The guy lowered his gun and looked into the other room. While he turned his back I tucked and rolled over to him. When he turned around I punched him right along the jaw. I saw his arm moving so I grabbed his wrist. It was the hand he was holding the gun with.

"Another move and I promise you'll be next" I threatened. He looked over to the guys behind me that were knocked out cold on the floor. I pushed his head into the cabinets hard. But, he had pulled the trigger in the process. The bullet shot into my thigh. I yelped. The pain grew stronger and my eyes got hotter. I let the tears flow, but I had to get up. I stood up carefully and slowly. I winced in pain.

Once I stood up I started walking into the other room. I looked around. No sign of Benjamin. I went up the stairs slowly. When I came to the top of the stairs it was all one hallway. I looked left to right. I turned right.

As I walked down the hallway I came to a door on the left. I tried opening, but it was locked. I searched my hair trying to find my bobby pin. I took it out of my hair and picked open the door. I walked in and saw Ben sitting in a chair. He stood up and I ran in to his arms ignoring the pain. His arms holding me tight and his scent made me love him even more. I looked up at his gorgeous blue eyes that I loved so much. His lips smashed into mine. I instantly felt the sparks. No no no, fireworks! This kiss was what I've been waiting so long for. Ben lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I ran my fingers threw his hair. He smiled and I pulled away.

"Ben!" I said nearly out of breath. "Ryeli.." Benjamin said with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Well. Well. Well. Look who showed up for her lover" I heard from behind me. Benjamin put me down and I whipped around. I saw the most terrifying thing.

Infinity & Beyond (sequel to Woldwide) Benjamin Lasnier fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now