Chapter 9- i love you..

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Evan held out the car door and I slid in to the middle seat. Evan immediately jumped in and shut the door behind him. The elderly lady hadn't gotten into the car yet so I figured I would talk to Evan.

"Do you trust this lady?" I asked and I looked out the window to see the lady standing there talking. "Well, kind of. She just seems...odd" he said slightly chuckling. I smile faintly and sigh. "To be honest I'm scared to go to her house!" I say to Evan, and Evan looks out his window to watch the lady. She was still talking. "I won't let her do anything to us. I promise" Evan smiles sweetly and holds out his pinky. I take the hint and I stick out my pinky to complete the pinky promise.

I practically melted when he held out his pinky. He believes in pinky promises! That is so hot for a guy. Evan is so perfect..

It is currently 11:38 p.m. And this old lady is on my last nerve. She's been talking for what feels like for ages. I'm about to just hop out of the car with Evan and figure it out from there. But, I don't. As soon as I think that she gets in the car.

"Alright let's go!" the lady says cheerfully. Way to cheerfully. It's 11:45 p.m. There's no need for perkiness! I'm a grouch as you can tell.

"So what's your guys names?" she asks while looking into her rear view mirror. "I'm Ryeli and-" I start, "and I'm Evan." Evan finishes. "Well, you are some gorgeous kids" the lady compliments the both of us. "Thank you" I say back. It's a little weird I'm not going to lie, but it's also a little flattering. So, I smile. I turn to Evan at the same time he does and I get lost in his eyes once again. They're GORGEOUS! I can't believe I'm falling for Evan. When I should want Benjamin, since I decided it would be best to lie to the poor boy.


I'm still in this room alone and I'm freezing, starving and missing Ryeli. That girl is my world. The way she looks at me and the way she talks it makes me loose all control. I love it when she smiles. Ooo! That smile. It's so gorgeous it could kill millions. She such a beautiful person inside and out. I like how she has to make everyone happy and she doesn't want to do anyone wrong. God, I love her. Her personality is the most beautiful thing about her. I could go on and on and on and on, but this story would turn into a dictionary.

I pull myself out of thoughts and catch myself smiling. Ryeli makes me smile. She's the only who can keep a smile on my face.

After about a hour I finally hear the footsteps outside the door. Luckily, they've actually brought food. Then realize it's an apple. I hate apples, but oh well. They throw the apple and I catch, making there faces look surprised. I smirk and take bite out the apple.


The lady gave Ryeli and I the quest bedroom and she wandered off to her bedroom. I hope.

Ryeli was pressed up against me stealing all my warmth. Yep, well have to share the same bed. It actually doesn't bother me at all.

Infinity & Beyond (sequel to Woldwide) Benjamin Lasnier fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now