It's over

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"To success!" They cheered, clinking glasses of champagne together. 

Long time partners Lindsey Buckingham and Ryan Harris opened yet another restaurant in their beloved Los Angeles. They had already made a name for themselves a while back, so tonight was important, knowing that most likely a few celebrities, certainly reporters and food critics would be there. By their sides, of course, were their wives, Jane and Stephanie, also their older children.

It was an event to say the least. 

However, Stevie, that's how she preferred to be called, instead of Stephanie, wasn't really feeling it tonight. She didn't enjoy these openings or wherever else Ryan would drag her along to. She would much rather have stayed at home, serve a meal she cooked herself to her family, then have a glass of wine and watch a movie. 

Lindsey noticed. Glancing at her every few minutes, as if feeling her misery. Sadly there wasn't much he could do. Sighing, he looked away as Jane had asked him something, although, he didn't really listen.  

Ryan was trying to engage Stevie too, talking to her, asking her about this or that, but he didn't get much more than, yes or no, or I don't know. So, he gave up after some time, letting Stevie be by herself, as he said, he was going to go and mingle. 

It was a bit awkward, being left alone with Lindsey and his wife, so Stevie tried to do her best not to listen to their conversation, as she just sipped on her champagne and looked through the crowd. Keeping a close eye on her fifteen year old daughter, Maria, who was currently with the Buckingham kid, Ella. The two had been friends since they were little.

When her glass was empty, Stevie excused herself and went over to a small bar section of the restaurant, asking for a refill. Almost as soon as Stevie got away from the table, Jane stood up as well, saying she was going to the restroom. Waiting just a second longer, Lindsey made his way over to Stevie, placing one arm around her waist, leaning in closer, breathing in her scent.

"Stop." She said, without having to look beside her to know she wasn't going to see her husband standing there.

"I really don't think I can." 

"Lindsey, please... we've talked about this." She unhooked his arm from around her, reaching for the glass of champagne she had been waiting for. She then turned around to return to their table, but he stood right in front of her, blocking her path. "You're an idiot. We're in a very public place; our spouses and our children are here."

As if he didn't hear her... "Steph, I miss you so much."

She sighed. Stevie knew he wouldn't stop, but they couldn't just stand there, for everyone to witness whatever was about to happen. With her drink in hand, she placed her free one on his chest and pushed past him, saying... "Walk with me." They walked through the crowd and left the restaurant, making it seem as if they were simply going for a breath of fresh air.

"I've not been myself since you ended things." Lindsey said right away. 

"I've asked you not to talk about it anymore..." 

"Stevie, I can't!"

"Keep your voice down." She glared at him. 

"I'd give anything for you to let me touch you, kiss you..."

"We're over!" Now yelling herself, she was getting frustrated. "Lindsey, you know we can't continue with our affair. Ryan was getting suspicious, he questioned me a lot. It became harder and harder to keep up with all the lies I had told him. It was exhausting in the end."

"I'm not saying it was easy to keep seeing you, but it was definitely worth the effort. Steph, I-"

"Can you please stop calling me that?"

"Is there anything I can do when it comes to you?" He asked back and she noticed how his voice cracked a little. "Stevie, you know I have feelings for you..."

Hanging her head low, she let out a deep breath. "It's not easy for me either, Lindsey. Do I miss you? Of course I do. Do I wish we could still see each other? Of course I do. But we have families. We made our decisions a very very long time ago. You married Jane, I married Ryan. Both of us have kids. If, God forbid, it came out, it would destroy everything we have. I can't risk that."

"Maybe you just don't feel the same way that I do."

Taking a moment so she wouldn't say something really mean, Stevie spoke up again. "You're not listening to me. I wish things were different." She shrugged, looking away. "But it is how it is."

Some people came out of the restaurant, Lindsey took her by the hand and led their way around the corner. "If we both wanted this equally, it could work."

"What are you talking about..." Stevie shook her head with a sigh. "Lindsey, not only our families would be broken up, but you would most likely also lose your business, which you've worked your entire life to build. I... it's just too much." Looking up and into his eyes, she asked him. "Please, forget about everything, concentrate on what you have with Jane, please, I'm begging you."

"Let me kiss you." He blurted out, seeing she was about to protest, he didn't let her. "You didn't even give me that when you told me goodbye."

"Someone might see us."

"Just a quick kiss, that's all I'm asking of you. Please."

Looking around, making sure the street was completely empty, she gave him a small nod. 

Closing the gap between them, Lindsey placed the palm of his hand on her cheek as he dipped his head lower, cocking it to one side, he then softly capture her lips, lingering. Even though it was just that, it brought tears to Stevie's eyes, her being the one who broke them apart, quickly moving away from him and back into the restaurant. Lindsey knew not to follow.

"Here you are!" Ryan beamed at the sight of his wife. "I've been looking all around for you."

"I needed some fresh air." Faking a smile, Stevie hugged him around his back as he did the same. "Do you plan on staying here much longer?"

"Well, yeah, Lindsey and I will probably be the last ones out. Why? Are you bored?"

"I'm just tired. I think I'll call a car and go home."

"Is everything okay?" Ryan questioned, taking a look at her. 

"Yes, everything's fine." Pecking him on the lips, she said. "I'll go find Maria."

"No need. She and Ella already planned a sleepover at the Buckingham's."

"Oh, well alright. Then I'm just going to head home and let the nanny go home, too."

"Kiss Liam goodnight for me."

"Will do." Giving Ryan another kiss, Stevie turned around, going in search for a phone. 

Deciding to wait outside, Stevie left once again, her heart skipping a beat as she saw Lindsey was still out there. She hoped he wasn't going to come up to her, she'd had enough of him for tonight for sure. But he did, of course, only to say...

"You love me, too."

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