A dream

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After the day's events, Maria and Liam were sound asleep only a couple of hours later after Lindsey brought the three of them to the condo. While Lindsey was putting something together to eat, Stevie went to shower, as she mostly just stayed under the hot water. Even if she was away from Ryan, safe, she couldn't stop but wonder why? Why it had to be her? What had she ever done so horrible to be paying back such a huge price?

With a heavy sigh, she knew she had to actually shower, going through the motions lazily, as she then stepped out, not at all alarmed seeing Lindsey in the bathroom, holding out a towel for her. She just walked into his arms as he wrapped her in his arms for a moment. 

Pressing a kiss to her forehead, Lindsey pulled back a little, still holding her. "I only had leftovers, I hope that's okay. You probably don't even remember when you ate today."

Shaking her head, she said. "No, but I'm not really hungry either."

"You have to eat and then get some rest. For the baby." 

Her lips parted, eyebrows creased. "What? How did you..."

Shrugging his shoulders, Lindsey smiled weakly. "Back at yours, when Ryan grabbed you and said, he was going to hurt you, I saw how your hand instantly placed itself on your belly."

Closing her eyes, hoping to fight back the tears, Stevie looked up at Lindsey. "It was why everything happened." Walking past him into the bedroom, she sat down and so did he, putting one arm around her. "I know I'm older, but I was late and... I bought a pregnancy test, I took it this morning and seeing it was positive, I just... I didn't know what to say or do and I was careless enough to leave the box in the cabinet. Ryan found it." Sniffling, Stevie moved to lie down, Lindsey getting in on the other side to spoon her. "He knew it couldn't be his."

"So, it's..."

"Yours. I haven't been with anyone else but you besides him of course, but you know... He questioned me of course, asked me if this was why I didn't want to move away, if I fell in love with whomever I've been having this affair with. I told him, that I haven't fallen out of love, so he figured it was you. I truly hoped that would be enough, I thought he was finally going to leave me, but no. Then... well, then I told him about Liam. That's when he lost it. Thankfully Maria came in and it stopped him." Turning to face him, Stevie buried her face in Lindsey's chest, as he held her close. "Thank you for coming. I don't know what would have happened otherwise."

"You thought I wasn't going to?" Somewhat a little offended, Lindsey asked. 

"I hoped. I just hoped."

"You sounded so scared, Steph. There wasn't a chance I'd left you on your own. I knew it had something to do with that asshole. I had to get to you as quickly as possible." Kissing her hair, he said. "Why though? Why didn't you just leave, like we talked?"

"Because I'm stupid. I thought, I'd go along with Ryan's little game, he'd leave for New York and then I would be able to move out of the house, I would be with you, which would give me a great sense of confidence and security to file for divorce. We know how that went..."

"Is this still the plan?"

"Lindsey, of course! After today? He... he told me he was going to take me to a clinic tomorrow to get clean. Clean! No, I don't want to be related to him in any way anymore." Stevie felt Lindsey tense up, as she tilted her chin up. "What?"

"He wanted you to get an abortion?" Lindsey asked, his voice emotionless.

"...Yeah. That's what he said."

Closing his eyes, he shook his head. "He's not human. He can't be." Voice cracking. "I know about the baby for a couple of hours and I'm already excited. I can't wait to welcome them into this world and do things the right way this time." Looking down at her, Lindsey said sadly. "You know I wanted to be a father to Liam from the start..."

"I know, Linds, I know. And I'm so sorry." A sole tear running down her cheek. "I'm so sorry I didn't let you, that I didn't just leave then. I thought things would get better. I really did."

"It's okay." Stroking her hair, he sighed. "I'm not angry about that. You did what you thought was best."

"But it wasn't."

"Well, that's over. We can start over. I understand this won't be easy. I saw how confused Maria was about the whole situation and she most likely won't just let me in like that." Snapping his fingers. "Hopefully, she'll understand and she realizes now what kind of person her father is. Of course, I would love for Liam to know me as his Dad, but... that's totally up to you. It's whatever you decide. Then, we have this little one..." Finally a genuine smile on his face, as his hand traveled to her middle. "I'll be by your side until the baby is born, we'll welcome them with open arms and do our damn best to ensure they have the happiest childhood, the greatest teen years and we'll help them become whoever they want to become. Like I said, we'll do things the right way this time."

Stevie had been silently crying the whole time Lindsey was talking. Once his voice quietened, she kissed him softly on the lips. "It sounds like a dream."

"I swear to you, I'll make it a reality."

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