I knew it

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Ryan was leaving again. Stevie was practically counting minutes until it was time for him to walk through the door. Even though he apologized, said he was seeing things clearer, she knew it was all a lie. He was trying so hard to act like the perfect husband which he wasn't and she saw right through him. She played along nevertheless. She wanted to see just for how long it was going to last.

"Don't get up yet." Ryan said, his arm tightening around Stevie's waist, as she wanted to move. "I'll be gone for a week or so, I want to spend every waking minute with you."

Fighting back a roll of her eyes, Stevie faked a smile, pecking his lips. "I just need to go to the bathroom."

"You'll come back though, right?"

"Of course. I mean, like you said, you're going away, so..." She trailed off and he caught on quickly, letting her go.

Reaching for her robe, Stevie put it on without tying the sash, before she went into the bathroom, slowly locking the door, hoping he wouldn't hear it, as it would only raise questions. Once she reemerged, her demeanor had clearly changed, yet she tried to mask it, tossing her robe away and getting back to bed.

"What took you so long?" Ryan asked, lifting his arm so she could snuggle up by his side.

"I was gone long?" She acted dumb, what else could she say.

"I think I had fallen asleep again."

"Oh. Well, sorry, I didn't realize brushing my teeth takes forever." Laughing lightly, she then looked up at him. "So, are we just going to talk?"

A wide grin spread across his face, as he rolled her onto her back, making himself comfortable between her legs...

Since Ryan was leaving in the evening, he insisted on the whole family spending the day together. Having lunch first, Ryan then took 'his girls' shopping, so they had something to remember him by while he would be gone, which Stevie thought sounded completely ridiculous. He was trying too hard. Every single thing coming out of his mouth annoyed her. She couldn't stand how fake he was being and she also couldn't believe he thought she was buying this act of his. They'd been married for well over a decade, this little trick wasn't working on her.

Ryan still had a few hours left, when they came home around 4 pm. Stevie said she was going to finish packing a suitcase for him, which gave Ryan some time to make a few calls, regarding his trip. Once she saw him disappearing into his home office, Stevie rushed to make a phone call of her own.

"Lindsey?" She asked right away, as soon as he picked up.

"Hello." He said and it sounded so formal, she hated that.

"Ryan is leaving tonight, he's going back to New York. Please, can we see each other tomorrow? I'll explain everything and I... I also have to tell you something."

"Sure, I guess. If you can find the time for me."

"Linds... Don't be like that. I swear I'll call you tomorrow. I have to go now. I love you."

"Okay." He just said and didn't add anything to those last three words of hers.

Stevie knew she hurt Lindsey. She basically told him she wanted out of her marriage, then she didn't bother going to him for more than a week. She hoped the damage wasn't the kind she couldn't fix and that he would understand, why it had to be that way.

She wanted to cry, but she couldn't, willing herself to stay strong. She could fall apart, when Ryan wasn't around anymore.

Not much later, Ryan entered the bedroom, sitting down on the bed as he had some great news to share, he thought. "I just got off the phone with this realtor that Michael suggested." Michael was his new partner. "He said, he already has found several options for us. I'll check them out and get back to you, once I'm there."

"Great." Stevie said without any excitement in her voice.

"Stevie... You should just get used to the idea that we'll be living in New York very soon. I thought we talked about this, you seemed fine with it."

"Uh, no. I told you, I would think about." She attempted zipping the suitcase up, Ryan getting down on the floor to help her.

"Why are you so against it? That's what I don't get."

"Because I'm perfectly fine living here."

"Is that all?"

"What do you mean? Having built a life here isn't enough? This is where we met, got together, got married and had kids. I'm sorry if I'm too sentimental, but it means a lot to me. Now you're dragging me somewhere else, into a complete unknown."

"I'm not dragging you. You're my wife and I love you, I'm simply taking you with me. What's so wrong with that?"

Sighing, she shrugged, everything. "I guess, I simply wish you had told me sooner and discussed it with me. It makes me feel as if you don't care about me at all. Maybe I am making too big of a deal about it, but..."

"Yes, you are. I agreed for you to come to me on your own terms, I'm not buying plane tickets for all of us next week. I'd love it if you weren't so stubborn of course, but I must compromise with you, I suppose."

Looking at him for a moment, Stevie knew it was a risky thing to say... "You haven't changed. Maybe you tried, but you haven't. It's still you, Ryan."

Clenching his fist, he took a deep breath. He couldn't give into his true self. At least, not yet. "I guess, both of us need time. You're right, I am trying."

She didn't say anything to that, suddenly feeling lightheaded, having to lie down. Changing the subject, she pointed to his suitcase. "I think everything's in there. You can check, though."

Reopening the suitcase, Ryan rummaged through it, making a mess of course. "You forgot my shaving kit. But it's okay." He added, hearing it himself that he sounded somewhat angry.

Walking into the bathroom, Ryan gathered what he needed, opening the cabinet for an extra razor, when something caught his eye. Now he was angry. He took the box in his hand, it was obviously opened already. Going back into the room, he tossed it at her.

"I fucking knew it."

Stevie's eyes widened and her heart was beating out of her chest. She was never that careless...

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