A done deal

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"Aren't you going to say something at last?" Ryan asked, once they got home. "You must be at least a little bit excited."

That was when Stevie lost it.

"Excited?! I should be excited?! Are you fucking kidding me, Ryan? You just decided for the whole family that we're moving to freaking New York! You could have mentioned something was going on, but no. As always, thinking only about yourself, you took a trip, met some new partner and decided that we should move! I don't want to! Not one little tiny bit! This is where my life is, in LA. Maria goes to school here, all of her friends are here, all of my friends are here, my parents are relatively close. I never realized just how selfish you were." 

"What makes you think you can speak to me like that?" Ryan asked, very calmly, which was scarier than if he had been yelling. 

"I'm your wife, we're supposed to be equals in our marriage and you don't give a shit about my opinion. I'm tired of that." It was late and the kids were in bed, but she couldn't control herself. "I never say anything against your word, I always just nod my head and say, okay, to whatever, because I don't want us to fight. I don't want our children to see us fight. But this? I can't keep quiet about this." She talked, pacing around in the bedroom, while he was sitting on the bed, watching her.

"It's a done deal, Stevie. I'm going back in two weeks to sign the documents. We have to be living in New York in a couple of months."

She scoffed, shaking her head. "You're not listening to me still. Ryan, you can go if you want to. I'm not. The kids are not. We're staying here."

"What's gotten into you?" Frowning, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Since when do you have a voice?"

"Since I got tired of you being an asshole." 

"Careful, think of what you say before you do it."

"Are you seriously threatening me right now? What, you're going to hit me? Or you'll just stick to mental abuse, which you've been using on me for the better part of our marriage?" 

"I don't get it. Why all of a sudden you're so brave, speaking your mind?"

"I told you already, I'm exhausted. I'm sick of always being stomped on by you. You treat me... I don't even know how to refer to it. Sometimes I think that you hate me, because a man, who loves a woman, doesn't act the way you do. I'm constantly afraid of saying the wrong thing, doing the wrong thing, of looking at you the wrong way! It's always you, you, you! What about me, huh? What about what I want?"

Stevie wasn't fast enough to react, as Ryan jumped to his feet and grabbed her by the throat. "Watch that mouth of yours. It's been a while, my hands are itching." He said, tightening his grip. 

"Hit me. Do it. It might make you feel better, but it won't make me feel any worse." She fought hard against the tears that threatened to fall. 

Breathing heavily, enraged, Ryan pushed her backwards then let go, causing her to stumble, him walking past her out of the room, as Stevie silently cried, drawing her knees to her chest. 

She couldn't stay here. Firstly, she couldn't bear the thought of being around him, secondly, she was afraid this wasn't yet the end. She was certain he wouldn't raise a hand against the kids, no matter what, he loved them, so it was okay if she left them, just for a little while...

Stevie hadn't changed her clothes since they came home from the restaurant, so she went downstairs, looking around, making sure Ryan wasn't anywhere near, before grabbing the car keys and rushing outside. She knew exactly where she was going.

Lindsey stirred, thinking he heard something in his sleepy state. Then again, realizing something was ringing the doorbell of the condo he and Stevie always used. Who could it be at this time? Wearing only his pajama bottoms, he went to the door, yawning. Unlocking and opening the door, Lindsey didn't expect to see Stevie there at all. 

"Steph? What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry I woke you, I forgot my key."

Frowning, he noticed that she had been crying. "That doesn't matter. Come on in." Closing the door once she was inside, Lindsey got closer to get a better look at her. "Baby, what's wrong? What happened?"

"I can't, Linds. Not anymore..." She started crying again, covering her face with both hands, as he enveloped her in his arms. "We argued, he wanted to hit me, I just couldn't stay there."

"What?! That bastard! Why? What did you fight about?"  

"He told us at dinner that we're moving to New York. Just like that. That's where he's been the past week, he found someone new to work with, Linds. He's doing this all behind your back. He didn't want you to know. He betrayed you."

Of course Lindsey was angry, but he would deal with Ryan later about this matter. Stevie was more important, as he drew back a little, taking off her coat, leading her to the living area, the two sitting down. "I can't believe this." Shaking his head, Lindsey rested against the back of the couch, bringing Stevie with him, as she cuddled up to his side. "How can he call himself a man if he hits a woman?"

"He didn't. He only threatened me."

"Right, the next time he won't warn you, he'll just do it." That brought fresh tears to Stevie's eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"It's not your fault, you've got nothing to be sorry about. I should have kept my mouth shout, I would have avoided this."

"You shouldn't have. He can't make this kind of decision for all of you. Do you even want to move?"

"Of course not. He thought I would be excited, I couldn't control it when he said that. I completely lost it, telling everything I've been trying not to for all these years. I'm so tired of living like this, Linds..." She sighed. "If... If I didn't have you, I would probably once again, simply say, okay. But I can't, not this time. I can't be away from you."

"I refuse to let you go. I know what you'll say, but Steph, enough is enough. You have to think about yourself and the kids, this is not healthy. I'm scared for you, baby."

"What do you suggest I do?"

"Leave him, just leave him. You have me. I know that when we were young I was basically like Ryan, but you know me, know that I'm not that man anymore. Steph, I love you with all of my heart. How can you not see that?"

"I see it, I know you do... He won't let me go that easily. He'll do everything so I change my mind and stay."

"He can't do that, he has no right to. What could he do?"

"Take my kids away." Her voice cracked as she said that. 

"He won't. You're a wonderful mother, there is no reason why he should be given custody of your children. True, he provides for the family, but is he ever really there? He's working all the time, you're the one taking care of the kids."

Breathing out heavily, she said. "Can we not talk about this tonight, please?"

"Sure, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you and I'll help you in any way I can."

"I know." She smiled weakly, looking up at him. "Thank you."

"Nothing to thank me for." Lowering his head, he pressed their lips together, lingering for a moment. "You seem exhausted. Let's get you to bed."

"No, I have to go home, Ry-"

"No, Stevie. You're not fit to drive. You're staying here until morning."

Thinking about it for a minute, she gave in, taking Lindsey's hand, following him into the bedroom. She already fucked up, it couldn't get any worse, could it?

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