Don't worry no ones gonna find us here

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DAMON'S POVThis city was big enough to where they wouldn't find us easy again, after I figured out they used Katherine blood to track Elena's some how

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This city was big enough to where they wouldn't find us easy again, after I figured out they used Katherine blood to track Elena's some how

We fixed that problem with the help of a witch here, even if they came here well be long gone by the time they find us

"Honey I'm home" I say sarcastically when I step inside, I've been gone for a few days now, I dropped off Elena here after the close run in with Silas

"I'm in here!" I hear Elena call, I make my way to the bathroom where I see her talking a bath

"Well isn't this a nice surprise" she smiles up at me " I didn't know you were coming back today" I sat down on the rim of the tub "why expecting someone else to come over?"

She laughed "ya and his name is delivery" I rolled my eyes at her "how have you been?" I asked her

"Fine, I used a tablet to order delivery and the fake credit card you left me, I've been laying low like you said to, I didn't leave this room either"

I tapped her on her noise with a finger "good girl" I say then get up "Silas is Heading in the opposite direction as us"

"How you make him come out of hiding?" I hear her from the living room of the suit

"I may or may not have set a certain persons house on fire back in mystic falls" I hear her drop something before yelling

"Who's house was it?!?!" I rolled my eyes at her "no one of importance" it's not like her and Blondie were friends anymore

I was hoping to find her dead after I launched her in that river, with her dead at least Elena could live

I step out on the balcony and lean against the rails, I feel her a moment later wrapping her arms around my waist

"So am I safe?" "No she's still alive" she let out a sigh and I let out a frustrated sigh, I mean she should of been swept away and drowned or cracked her skull on a rock as she was being dragged downstream

"Well at least you can say your smarter then Klaus, he lost her after he promised he wouldn't, if Bonnie would return my calls or hear my voicemail she'll knw you were the better choice to protect us"

"Klaus right now is just drowning himself in booze to even be able to think straight, he's pushing his family away ever day, I'm surprise he hasn't dagger them yet"

"He must be out of it if he can't tell you been spying on him" I spin around and kiss her on the forehead

"Must be a wolf thing, if your partner isn't with you start to go mad, lucky me I'm just a vampire stud" she laughed a bit at me

"So what's the plan now?" She asked, I thought for a moment before answering "keeping you safe is all I have at the moment"

Elena leaned up and kissed me but we broke apart when the door got a knock "finally I'm starved" she walks to get the door

"Well isn't this a lovely surprise" I hear from the balcony and flash to the door, in the door way I see Kol and Stefan, Kol's holding Elena

Stefan take's a step towards me "we need to talk" then he punches and send me flying across the room, I hear Elena yell for a moment before Kol shuts her up

I got up fast only to already see Stefan next to me, then he snaps my neck

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