Divided- Girl's POV

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I didn't want anyone to know what Damon did, but it just came out, I always did a good job of keep it to myself but it just.. sigh

We been walking down this tunnel for some time and I'm grateful Klaus hasn't said anything, but I know he's dying to question me or yell at me for not letting him end his life, maybe I should of let him...no I couldn't do that to Stefan

Klaus..I'm surprised he even cares so much about what happens to me, I need to stop over thinking things, hes not into me like that, why would he wanna be with me anyways he can have anyone.. with a shake of my head I think of something else 

This trip is gone from good to bad real quick, Jeremy's missing, then the wolves, I wrinkle my nose remembering I had to drink some of Stefan's blood to heal my wounds

"So are we going to talk about you and Damon or are we just going to pretend it never happened?" Klaus asked in a angry tone while walking ahead of me out of my light, I stood quite for a moment before saying

"Don't know, depends on if your gonna tell me why you kissed me or are we just going to pretend it never happened?" I say which makes him freeze in his spot, I walk a bit faster passing him now

"Touche Love" was all he said behind me in the dark

I still had tears running down my eye's, I couldn't believe it, how did I not know my own best friend was living with this secret, how could I have just ignore all the signs

The way she would get every time he looked at her funny, wink at her, joked about sexual things, every time he was near her, she would cringe or get as far away as she possibly could,

I just thought she didn't like him, I'm so so stupid "Bonnie dear stop crying please" I looked to my side and seen Kol looking at me with concern

 "how can I stop crying when I didn't even know my best friend was keeping something like this a secret!" I know it wasn't his fault so I shouldn't be yelling at him

"Bonnie it's not your fault.." "I didn't see it! I was so blind, I ignored all the signs I just brushed it off!" I stopped walking and broke down more

"I'm her best friend how could I have not seen it?" I yelled at him with my light in his face

Kol pulled me into his chest and let me cry into it "Shh Bonnie, luckily Caroline will be ok, she's a strong person"

"I know she's a strong person, but she's just a human like me, we are breakable, we are disposable in other peoples eyes"

"Bonnie no one will ever use you or Caroline ever again, not while I'm around" I continue to cry into his chest, trying to think back as to wear it all started, when did she start to act different towards him, then it hit me

I push Kol away from me, he looked at me with confused expression "you knew, why didn't  you tell us or me!" He expression said it all "that day in her room when Elena said you were trying to kill Damon, you were stopping him why didn't you come clean"

Kol just stood there quietly "answer me!" "Ok yes, I happened to be in the neighborhood and I heard the commotion and I stop him are you happy now!"

"Elena said you went into Caroline room to kill her and Damon was there to save her, Elena said you were tying to kill Damon because he stopped you" more tears came running down my face

"Bonnie.." "You made us all think Damon was some kind of a hero, we started another war against you and your family because we thought you were trying to kill Caroline, why didn't you say anything!"

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