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*First a little note by the author! I decided to make up a timeline of the seasons, just the length between seasons. Based on what characters have said in the show this is what I think the timeline is. If you guys have any different ideas tell me!

TDI-2 Days-TDA-1 Year & a half-TDWT- 1 Year & a half-TDRTI-1 year-TDAS


"Good god finally!" I exclaimed, I was driving home from work and the traffic was just god awful.

I love LA, I really do, but the traffic can make me want to jump into shark infested waters.

...Oh wait, I've already done that.

Ah Total Drama, I don't know what exactly to think about when I think of that show. All the torture Chris put us through? All the enemies I made?

Or the good parts, like meeting new friends, and especially Duncan.

It's been two years and a half exactly since Total Drama World Tour. Even though Duncan and I; and everyone else on our cast; thought we were done with the show, Chris weaseled his way back into our lives to make a few appearances on the new season of Total Drama with a bunch of newbies.

I thought Chris was hard on us, but jeez, he kicked the new guys' asses. I mean a radioactive island? Not even a million dollars could make me compete on that. I'd run away to Italy for a few months so Chris couldn't find me.

Oh yeah, how could I even forget to mention our lovely host Chris McLean, who's been spending the last year of his life in prison. My prayers were finally answered when that madman was locked up; it only took the criminal justice system four years to see this guy was torturing teenagers on national television.

Me Duncan, and everyone else from our cast pretty much kept up with Chris's trial for the first few months, but after a while, we realized he was screwed and lost interest.

I don't remember how long exactly he was said to be in jail, but I say lock him in a big mansion and throw away the key, at least that way he'd be content with his rich surroundings.

Yeah, I'm not that heartless, I mean, as crazy as the bastard is, his death trap of a show gave me the most important things in my life.

My fiancé, my best friends, and a million dollars. So the experience wasn't always shitty.

I pulled up to mine and Duncan's apartment building. It was a small building with only four levels, and each level was a huge loft. Duncan and I lived on the third floor.

Oh wait, before I get ahead of myself; let me explain just how everything played out when Duncan and I got home from Total Drama World Tour.

After Duncan and I high jacked Chris's mansion with everybody and had a little engagement party, we all crashed there since we had been partying till the sun started to rise.

It was around five o'clock in the afternoon when I woke up with my head oh-so-horribly pounding, Chris and Chef had managed to break out of the helicopter and were tossing us all out.

To be completely honest, I think half the reason why Total Drama Revenge of the Island didn't include any original cast members was because of the whole breaking and entering Chris' mansion then completely trashing it.

But I'm not complaining, like I said earlier, there's no way I would've done a radioactive season.

After Chris kicked us out, we all found our own way home. Duncan and I took a plane ride to San Diego so we could spend a few days together.

The whole plane ride home we had one thing on our minds: What next?

Being eighteen had its perks and it had its disadvantages. Perks? We could now live together, disadvantages? We couldn't be as careless with breaking the law, because juvie was now out of the question. Now we'd have to deal with real jail and prison if we fucked up, and from what my dad and other family members and friends have told me: It's the worst thing you can experience.

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