Day 11

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At this point in the game I’m in total strategy mode. With all of my allies gone I don’t have much else to do but think about who to vote out when.

Amazingly enough I’m struggling with who I should vote out first. With Courtney still in the game of course I want to get her out of here first, but there’s also Mal, and there’s no way in hell he’s winning this game.

Gwen is number two out of here, and Scott and Zoey I could really care less about. Yeah if I had to choose who I’m going against in the finale it’d be Scott for sure. I know I could take Zoey, but if you ask me going against Scott is a guaranteed win.

Thinking strategy takes up some time around here, but other than that it can get a little boring. I forgot how much it sucks when all your allies are gone in the game, but there’s no way I’m trying to team up with anybody left here.

Scott’s an idiot, Zoey hates me, Mal is evil as fuck, Gwen’s annoying and Courtney is just Courtney, she speaks for herself.

The loud speaker screeched on and I was almost grateful for a new challenge, it would probably suck like every other challenge we do, but it’s better than sitting in this cabin dying of boredom.

“Attention punching bags! Please gather in the forest clearing and bring your padded undies, cause today’s challenge is a butt-kicker!” Chris said. I went outside the cabin to see Chef coming in on his little jeep with Gwen on the back returning from exile. Everyone else was standing around the campsite getting ready to leave for the forest clearing.

Chef tossed Gwen off the jeep “Whoa! Ow!” She yelled as she landed on the ground. “Hey Gwen, how was your night on Boney Island?” Zoey asked as the group walked over to Gwen.

“Not bad actually, a wooly beaver tried to eat me so I climbed a tree to the top and slept in the canopy. Fell asleep looking at the stars” Gwen explained her experience, kind of disappointed she didn’t have a more miserable experience, but you can’t win them all.

“Wow” Zoey said to her.

“Yeah what a nightmare! Luckily, Gwen is super smart and totally strong, so she lived to tell the tale” Courtney went over wrapping Gwen in an awkward looking hug.

“Oh yay, you guys are friends again, let’s throw a party” I rolled my eyes and walked off, the rest of the group followed leaving the best friends to themselves.

“Well, welcome back Gwen” Zoey said as she walked past Gwen.

We all walked to the forest where Chris told us to be to start today’s challenge, Courtney and Gwen eventually caught up, arms around each other, looking very buddy-buddy as usual. I rolled my eyes again, their friendship makes me sick, how anybody could ever seriously befriend Courtney is beyond me.

Scott immediately went over to go talk to Courtney and Gwen leaving me behind Mike and Zoey. I just wanted to get to this challenge and get somebody off the island as quick as I can, I’m ready to compete in the finale already and win me another million.

Scott came up next to me “Hope you guys got lots of sleep, cause I’m feeling as strong as an ox” Scott said flexing his muscles and standing in poses near Zoey Mike and I.

“Don’t make me laugh” I said poking his forehead making him stumble slightly.

“Don’t you mean strong as a rat?” Mike asked him. “Heh?” Scott questioned.

“Ohh! You haven’t seen Courtney’s chart!” Mike said, “Huh?” Scott asked again.

Courtney and Gwen caught up to us just in time for what seemed like some juicy action, and Courtney gasped at the mention of this chart.

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