Day 9 (Part 1)

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All night long I’d had the weirdest dreams, whenever I go to bed after a stressful day, especially if I’ve been crying like crazy; my dreams are all out of whack. I’d slept straight through the night though, and I woke up now to the sun shining through my window.

Alejandro had stayed with me throughout the entire night, he just held me close to him until I fell asleep, and even waking up now I noticed his arm was still under my body.

I sighed as I glanced at him, he was still dead asleep. We weren’t up too late, but I must have tired him out as much as I did myself with all the crying and talking. At first, I really didn’t get why offered to help me, when he came up to me when I was sitting on the cabin steps I thought he was either trying to take me away from Duncan again, or play a strategic move in the game and get me on his side.

Either one would be seriously fucked up of him to do, but somehow I know that’s not his intentions.

At first when he started explaining to me this bond he thought we had, I wasn’t convinced, I wasn’t convinced at all until he started helping me when I was crying. It was the first time I genuinely saw who Alejandro was deep down inside; everybody has a good part to them, even a manipulative evil little man like Alejandro.

Last night when he saw how hurt I was, it was like he dropped all other feelings and attitudes and just broke it down to the core, it was nice actually, just seeing that he did have a heart somewhere under that evil shell.

After last night I did agree with him though, we did have some sort of connection between us, maybe from all the flirting and romantic tension there was in season three, or all the time we spent together back then, while we were flirting and when we weren’t, but we just grew a bond.

It was exactly as he said last night, it was a bond that didn’t need to be constantly nurtured by friendship, this season we haven’t been up each other’s asses, but yet when I needed him most he was still there. I don’t know why or how this little bond, connection; whatever you wanna call it, is between us, but it is, and I’m perfectly fine with that.

Duncan though, Duncan may lose his mind when he finds out all of this. For once I didn’t even want to think about talking to him, I could hardly imagine what he’s going through with the whole jail process, hearing news that I spent the night with Alejandro probably won’t settle any nerves, but there’s no way I could lie to him about it, that’d make everything I did worse.

My phone began vibrating on the side table next to us, my stomach dropped down to my ass, I knew who the only person would be calling me at eight AM was Duncan, he’d said he’d call when he could, and I guess this is his chance.

Alejandro turned over in his sleep, I picked up my phone and went downstairs into the kitchen of the spa hotel to answer Duncan. I leaned against the wall behind me and held the counter next to me with one hand, I didn’t feel ready to talk to him at all, I was so scared what he would tell me, and how he would react to me spending the night with Alejandro.

I sighed heavily “Here we go” I slide accept across my phone screen and answered “Hey”

I heard Duncan shift and sigh in relief on the other side “Alex…”

I didn't know what to say to him at all, I mean he just made the stupidest move of his life, and for what? To not look like a “good guy”?

When I didn't say anything he started talking “I'm really glad you answered, I was thinking about you all night, I couldn't even sleep”

I rubbed my eyes and sighed “Yeah, sleep wasn't too great for me either"

He was silent for a few seconds then spoke up "I'm so sorry Alex"

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