'Special Days'

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Ever since you were kidnapped and saved, you had always been friends with Shawn Spencer. And of course Gus. You had been kidnapped by a street gang and used as a hostage for money from the the SBPD. Shawn had somehow found a way to trick them into giving you up. Since then you asked them if you could stay with them, in their office. After five minutes of whispering and turning back to study you, they gave in. You eventually started to get used to the always messy office, and even made some detective friends. Detective OHara for one and second, Detective Lassiter. Otherwise known as "Lassy". Every time Shawn says it, you have to hold in a giggle. It's funny because he knows you like him calling Lassiter that. But today, no one was there, Lassy and OHara weren't there, not even Gus. You were sitting on the couch, watching Doctor Who. You had a bucket of ice cream in your lap and was spooning it out with a small spoon. The best part was a heated pad sitting on your lower torso. The office was quiet except for the tv. When suddenly, bickering could be heard from outside.

"Obviously Sean Connery was way worse than Pierce Brosnan Gus!"says a voice. "Yes, but Daniel Craig is the best Bond." Answers another. Then they both walk in. "(F/n), tell Gus here that Pierce Brosnan is the best Bond."he says, looking to you.

"I....uh...I need an explanation first." You say, slouching on the couch. "Who is the best James Bond?" They both ask in unison. Then Gus tries to sneak a kick at Shawn but Shawn elbows back.  You sigh, thinking of how they were like 9 year olds. They are both watching you now.

"I say Sean Connery." You say, giving up.

"Oh come on (f/n)!!"Shawn says.

"She can have her opinion."Gus butts in. Shawn, hearing his phone ring looks at the text he got. "What is it?"Gus asks.

"Lassy says they found a body." He says smiling and looking at you, expecting you too break out laughing, or smile. When you just sat there, not doing anything, is when he realized. You were eating ice cream, in the winter, and a heating pad. You were also paler. Gus went to the door.

"Coming (f/n)?" Asks Gus from the doorway.

"I...don't..I'm going to sit this one out..."you say, unsure of how to handle the awkward situation. Shawn squints his eyes and studies you. You stare back. Suddenly, he brings his fingers to his temples and says,"I'm sensing that 'Aunt Flow' it here? Am I right?"he asks. You just nod awkwardly.

"Gus, any way to stop abdominal pain?"he asks, turning to Gus. "Uh yeah, you can get this drug called Zyrlomectic at the drug store." he answers. "Why?"

"Gus, let me speak to you for a second." Says Shawn, moving towards the corner of the office. Gus walks over tho the corner too. You just sit there silently, watching your show. Quietly whispering,"Gus, she is on feminine days, we need to get that medicine." he looks back over at you.

"Oh,yeah, sure.....uh, yeah let's go...wait, how did you know?" Gus asks, now looking over at you.

"Supplies hidden in the bathroom, heating pad, chocolate ice cream. It's pretty obvious." Shawn answers. Suddenly, from your end of the room, a spike of pain shoots through you, making you gasp. Shawn is suddenly beside you.

"Ow."you say simply.

"You stay here, I'll get you the pain killers alright? Hang in there." He says, gently kissing your forehead.  "Gus, call Jules. Tell her she's need here."he orders, walking toward the door.

"Yeah, right." Gus says, following him out. Once they are in the "Bueberry". Shawn calls Juliet. "Shawn, where are you? Lassiter is going crazy!" "Jules, you need to get to Psych, ok? (F/n) needs your advice."he says. "On what?"she asks. "Ladies days. And could you get her 'supplies' too? Thanks Jules!" He says, hanging up.


There is a knock on the door. It's Juliet. You try to sit up but can't without it hurting. So you yell,"key's under the mat!" You hear the door open and she walks in.

"Hey, you ok?" She asks. You nod and sit up a little. "You didn't need to come, I think Shawn over reacted." You say, smiling.

"He is so stupid..."she mutters. She walk over. "Want anything?"she asks. "chocolate" you answer. "Want to go get some with me?"you ask, finally over most of the pain.

"Sounds good."she says. "God this sucks!"you say, getting up and getting your converse on. "Yeah it does, same way here."she mutters. Once you get in her police car, you both drive to the nearest sweet shop.

You fill a bag with chocolaty goodness and eat a handful. "Mmmmmm....that's the stuff." You say, smiling a chocolaty smile. You then both giggle like little girls. Then she feels the vibration of her phone. After checking it she looks at you with a scared look. "Uh oh, what is it?"you ask.

"Well, good and bad news. Good, Shawn figured out that it was suicide. And second, he's freaking out that we aren't at the office. Also, he has the medicine."

"Crap, we better get back." you say, getting up. "That won't be necessary." says a voice. "Crap, Shawn all I wanted was some chocolate." You say. "I'm not mad, here." He says handing you the medication. 

"Thank you Shawn and Gus, and Juliet. "You say, nodding to them each in turn. You then turn to Shawn and lightly press a kiss to his cheek. "You are brilliant Shawn Spencer."you say. He just smirks.

(I got this from patches2741 on deviantart. All credit goes to them.)

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