Suprise Visit

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A knock on the door caused Gus and Shawn to glance up. Gus stood up as Shawn began to gulp down the rest of his cereal. The knocking came a second time. "I'm coming," Gus called. He opened the door. "Hello ther-oh!" Gus was caught off mid-sentence as their visitor tackled him with a hug. "Gus," you cheered, "It's so good to see you!"
He raised a brow. "Y/N? Wow. I haven't seen you since-"
"Highschool, I know," you replied while pulling out of the hug, "I was in town and saw that you worked here. May I come in?" Gus grinned. "Oh, yeah. This way." You walked with him. "Why are you in town?" You shrugged. "I needed a vacation, so I decided to take a road trip."
"Y/N?" Shawn asked as you two entered the office. You smirked. "Hey Shawnie," you teased, "You haven't changed at all." "I'll take that as a compliment," he replied with a smirk, "Why are you in town?" You chuckled. "You're the psychic. Why don't you tell me?" Gus giggled while Shawn smirked. He gave a slight nod. He brought his hand to his head and squinted. His eyes flitted from your wrist, to your keys, to your clothing, and back to your face. He smiled.
"You're having a rough time at work, so you decided to take some time off by seeing some of your high school friends."
You blinked. "Wow. That was amazing." He held up one finger. " came to share a delicious pineapple with your favorite high school friends."
You chuckled as Shawn held up a pineapple. Gus rolled his eyes. His mouth twitched into a smile as he saw yours. The three of you had been so close in high school. Once you moved, however, it was hard for you guys to connect as much as you would have enjoyed. You moved to sit down at their table, the pair following your lead.
"Sure, but are you sure you can trust me with such a delicious fruit?" you teased. He smirked. "I see you take this seriously." "As serious as Oprah giving stuff away."
"I hear that." You and Gus fist bumped while Shawn chuckled. You really had missed these goofs.

(I got this from silentwaters4 on tumblr. All credit goes to them.)

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