Valentine's Day Suprise

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You were so tired when I woke up. Exhausted didn't describe you in the least. The Psych party last night was the best and weirdest party you had ever been to. The only thing you knew when you woke up was Shawn was snuggled behind you on the couch. He had his arm wrapped around you and he was slightly snoring...right in your ear. You couldn't help but giggle. You were hungry but you couldn't exactly get up with Shawn holding onto you. Right then, Gus walked in. His shirt was wrinkled and he had a cup of coffee in his hand. He saw you starring at you and gave you a confused look.

"Don't just stare, give me something to substitute me." You whispered in an annoyed tone. "Ok, calm down." He whispered back. He went out of the room to go find something. Right then, Shawn moved around in his sleep and cuddled in closer to you.

"Mmmm, carrots and chocolate." He said in his sleep. You snorted trying to hold in a burst of laughter. Gus walked back in with a big teddy bear, and handed it to you. "Thank you." You whispered. You slowly grabbed Shawn's arm and wrapped it around the teddy bear and you sat up, finally free of his grasp.

"That was way more difficult than it had to be." You said, standing and walking over to Gus who was trying to hold in laughter. "What happened last night?" "All I know is that Shawn is sleeping with my childhood right now." He answered, looking at Shawn hugging the teddy bear. "He's like a baby." You said, smiling softly. Gus gave you a weird look. "What?"

"He's more than a baby, he's a toddler. Can barely feed himself." Gus said. You laughed. "Truth. Do we have any food?" You asked. "Yeah, check the fridge. There might even be Poptarts." He said.

"WHAT?! Why didn't' you tell me?" You said, forgetting to be quiet and running to the kitchen. You opened the fridge with such force that the Hulk would have been blown away. The Poptarts were sitting right in the front of the fridge. There was a note sitting on top of the box. It read,'save for (y/n).' Signed with a messy smiley face. You knew Shawn had written it, it was his writing. Your heart skipped a beat.

"Happy Valentine's Day (y/n)." Said a voice behind you. "Happy Valentine's Day Shawn." You said smiling and turning around to see him standing there smiling at you. "Hungry?" He asked. "Starved." You replied, knowing it was going to be a great Valentine's Day.

(I got this from patches2741 on devianart. All credit goes to them.)

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