Hot Celebration

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It was hot outside. When I say it was hot, it was HOT. The new highest record for Santa Barbara. To celebrate you, Shawn and Gus "borrowed" Shawn's father's boat. It took all of Shawn's convincing skills just to get Gus onto the boat, not moving, mind you. Anyway, you had packed a lunch consisting of PB&J's along with strawberries, crackers, and lemonade. Shawn was in charge of convincing Gus. Gus, being Gus, packed every kind of sea sickness pills there were. Shawn even packed swimsuits. Once you got everything on board, Shawn started the engine. As you were pulling out of the docks, Shawn's dad came running down the dock waving his arms in the air and yelling. you tapped Shawn's shoulder. "Uhh, Shawn? Is that your dad?" Shawn looked over and whined to himself.

"Man, I thought he'd be slower at figuring out my distraction..." you turned wide eyed to Shawn. "I thought he said it was ok to use his boat! Shawn, did you lie to him?" you yelled. Shawn stopped the boat.

"Aw, I did! Just in a sneaky way..." you gave him a look. "Ok... fine." he said, turning the boat around and parking on the dock. Shawn's dad was waiting for you.

"Shawn, what are you doing?" He crossed his arms. "Funny story dad... see, Lassy told Gus that there was a boat that had some criminals on it and I thought, why not try to bring them in myself." Shawn's dad stood there for a second, not saying anything. Then he turned to you.

"(Y/n), what really happened?" Shawn gave you a look, a pleading look. "Well, I wanted to go for a picnic, but with most of the parks closed, we were going to use the boat. But I didn't know that Shawn didn't tell you." you replied calmly.

"At least (y/n) knows how to tell the truth." Shawn's father said, smiling and putting an arm around you. "Shawn, be more like (y/n)." Shawn's jaw dropped.

"Seriously?! Gus are you seeing this?" Shawn asked, turning to Gus. Gus put his hands up, not saying anything. "Gus, you ok there buddy? You look sick." Gus was about to say something, but he suddenly ran to the edge of the dock and involuntarily poured out his stomach contents.

"I'll bring Gus home. Oh and Shawn?" Shawn's dad said, turning to you and Shawn. "Yeah?"

"Don't. Scratch it." He said, walking away with a hunched-over Gus beside him. "Ok!" Shawn yelled after him before pulling you onto the boat and starting the engine. You giggled as the waves made the boat rock. You could feel the waves and the water hit your face in tiny droplets. Shawn watched you laugh and made the oat go even faster. you were uncontrollably laughing now. You could see Shawn slowly slow the boat down and stop it completely.

"I'm going to go get changed now." he said, going into the boat. you stayed outside, for you had already changed. You sat, looking at the water from the front of the boat. Suddenly, you felt pair of arms wrap around you. "This is just like the Titanic scene." Shawn said. You laughed.

"Except that the boat shrunk. Wanna go swimming now?" you asked, standing on the edge of the boat. "Totally!" he yelled, shoving you into the water. You swam to the surface and glared at him. "Oh, come on, it w-" he was cut off by you pulling him in with you. You giggled until you realized he hadn't surfaced. "Shawn? SHAWN?" you asked worriedly. Suddenly, you felt an hand grip your leg. You kicked until you realized who exactly it was. "Screw you Shawn." you said to him as he came up beside you.

He chuckled to himself and got out. "Did you bring lemonade?" "Yeah, in the cooler." you said, getting a towel and wiping off the water. He found it and poured you and himself a glass. He handed it to you and raised his in the air. "To Santa Barbara!" He exclaimed.

"To Santa Barbara!" You agreed. You clinked glasses and took a sip. The rest of the day included playing in the water and enjoying Shawn. All to yourself.

(I got this from Patches2741 on devianart. All rights go to them)

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