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It was only a matter of time. They would come soon. They always did. They did it once, they could do it again. It was two years ago that you had been abducted from your own apartment. Some gang members had taken you thinking you had a precious diamond, but Shawn Spencer had proven them wrong. Right now you had a gun to your head and you were tied to a pole in an abandoned wear house. It wasn't the same gang members, but they still were a danger. One seemed to be the leader, he had tattoos all over his body. They kept yelling at you.

"Come on sweetie, where is it?" He was saying, running a knife over the skin on your neck. You cringed. "Please, I don't know what your talking about." You said for the tenth time. "That's a pretty face, don't want to ruin your makeup." He said, smirking and chuckling. One of his henchmen cracked his knuckles as if ready to punch you. You weren't crying but you were close.

"Please, what are you talking about. I don't know anything." You said, your voice cracking at the end. "Shawn..." You whispered.

"Lassy, go to the abandoned wear house on 11th and 10th street. By the old lobster restaurant." Shawn was talking into his phone as Gus drove down the street like a maniac. Gus took a sharp turn around a corner and Shawn went sliding around inside the car.

"Shawn left or right?" Gus yelled. "Right! Take a right!" Shawn yelled back.

"I'll ask one more time, where, is, the RING?!" The gang leader yelled in your ear. "I don't want to ruin your face, but sweetie, you have to cooperate."

"I don't have your damn ring!" The gang leader made an impressed face,"Did you hear that boys? Our girl here got some courage." all his buddies laughed with him. "Now, I won't hurt you none, if you tell us where our ring is." "I don't know what ring your talking about." You muttered. Your face stung as you felt something hit your cheek.

"You see my flower, I don't believe you." That's when you couldn't stand it anymore, you head-butted him and kicked him in his...parts. He screamed like a little girl and you managed to kick him again before a knife was at your throat. "Tsk tsk tsk. Naughty girl." He said, holding his head and revealing a nasty bump. Suddenly, the doors of the wear house opened with such a force they fell off their hinges.

"SBPD!" A familiar voice shouted. "Hands behind your heads!" "Lassiter no, t-" you were cut off as someone covered your mouth. You bit their hand as hard as you could and they let go. "Lassiter! Guns!" You managed to get out before you were kicked in the gut. Just as a gun was cocked and put to your forehead, a clang was heard and the leader fell down, Shawn standing behind him with a shovel. The other gang members had their hands behind their heads.

"Oh my God Shawn!" You said, happy, crazy tears streaming down your cheeks. He quickly untied you and hugged you. "Oh (Y/n), are you ok? You have a terrible bump on your forehead."

"My wrists and stomach hurt, but I'm ok." You said, kissing him on the cheek. "Let's get you to a doctor." He said. "Ok." You said, leaning on Shawn for support as he lead you out and to a waiting ambulance. As you were getting stitched up, Shawn sat by your side.

"Can I just say, you were so brave, your like Luke Skywalker, facing his father, like you faced those stupid gang members." You laughed. "Thanks Shawn, I was taught by the best. By the way, how did you find me?" You asked, grabbing a blanket from one of the paramedics and wrapping up in it.

"I may or may not of used my powers to find you." "Yeah, and I have wings." You said sarcastically.

"Fine, I put a tracker on your phone..." "You did WHAT?"

"Nothing." You have him a look. "Ok, fine I b-"you cut him off with a kiss.

(I got this from patches2741 on devianart. All credit goes to them.)

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