Tacos and Sleep

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You were sleeping soundly when suddenly you were jerked away by loud noises. "-But I got a blank space baby, and I'll write your name!" Someone shouted/sang at the top of their lungs. Blank Space was being blasted through some speakers not far away from where you were sleeping. Upon opening your eyes, Shawn stood there holding a banana as if it was a microphone. His eyes were closed as if he was really concentrating. You finally had enough and quickly got up and pulled the cord right out of the wall socket. The music died right away, but Shawn kept singing until he realized the music stopped.

"Hey! (Y/n)!" He said in protest, looking at you sadly. You gave him a dry look.

"I was sleeping!" You said annoyedly. "I know but, I was bored....and hungry..." Shawn said, flopping down on your couch. "Mmmmm toasty."

"Just eat your banana, and go annoy Lassy for a bit." You said, pointing towards the door. At that moment, Gus came running in, winded. "Gus? You ok there buddy?" Shawn asked Gus. Gus, bent over, held a finger in the air, signaling he ended a few seconds to breath.

"Th-there's.....there's a-a taco truck." Gus barely got out, now wheezing. You went over to their desk and took out Gus's inhaler. You walked back over and handed it to him. He nodded thanks and took a breath as he puffed it. "What?! Gus, a taco truck?!" Shawn was really excited.

"Shawn, calm down. It's just a taco truck." You said calmly. "Just a taco truck?! (Y/n), it's a taco truck. This is like when Star Wars was released." He said, grabbing your shoulders. "Best movie ever by the way." He then proceeded to make light saber noises, and acted like he had one. You sighed and layer back down on the couch, grabbing your blankets and snuggling back in.

"Alright, you guys enjoy your tacos, and I'm going back to sleep." You said, closing your eyes. That only lasted for a second as your blankets were ripped away. "Shawn!" You said, slapping his hand, and pulling your blankets back up to your neck. "Ow! Come on (y/n)! Let's go have some tacos!" He whined. "Let me rest for ten minutes!" You complained back. "Yeah, come on Shawn, poor (y/n) has been up all night on that marshmallow death case." Gus cut in, having his breath back.

"Gus, I thought you'd have my back on this." Shawn said, turning to Gus. Gus did his weird tsk thing. "Thank you Gus." You said, snuggling in deeper into your blankets and pulling the blankets over your head. "Your welcome." Gus said, walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Shawn called after Gus. "I'm going to go get me a taco." Gus called back, his voice fading. Shawn sighed and was about to follow Gus out, but yawned. He looked at you, somehow now asleep, and smiled. "Maybe I'll save one..." He thought to himself as he walked out, stopping and glancing back before continuing out.

(I got this from patches2741 on deviantart. All credit goes to them.)

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