Shawn Kind of Date

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You handed the man behind the counter the money needed for a ticket. "Thank you, enjoy the movie." The man says. "I hope to. If Shawn isn't late..." You mutter, grabbing your ticket and walking to a little lobby area. You pocket your ticket and take out your phone. 'Where are you? The movie's going to start soon.' You text him.

'Gus took a wrong turn. Be right there.' Shawn replies a few seconds later. He shows up two minutes before the movie starts. You quickly buy some popcorn and run to the theater. You choose a seat towards the back and sit down with Shawn beside you. "I can't believe they made another one of these." You say to Shawn.

"I know right, this is like the best popcorn ever." Shawn says, not paying attention. You roll your eyes. The commercials roll by; some spy movie, a kids movie, and one about some actors life. Then finally the movie starts, you grab the bag of popcorn from Shawn as he has already eaten half the bag. You watch the opening credits roll and settle in for the movie.

You and Shawn come out of the theater. "I can't believe how good that was! I loved that plot twist about how the dad faked his death. That was SOO good." You say. Shawn walks beside you. "Yeah, I know right! And then the epic part about the bad guy killing the mom." Shawn says. "I love that director. He's so good at movies." You say. "Is Gus picking us up? Or should I call a taxi?"

"Gus is supposed to pick us up." Shawn says, taking out his phone. He dials Gus's number and he whispers just low enough you can't hear. All you can pick out is, 'It was good.' And 'Help me out here Gus!' You smile to yourself. "It's 40th and France." You say. Shawn repeats it and hangs up.

"Gus says he has driven by us five times. He's just outside." Shawn says. You both walk to the exit of the theater and find Gus waiting outside. Shawn speedwalks ahead of you and opens the door to the passenger seat for you. You laugh. "Such a gentleman." You say. He closes the door after you climb in. Then you, Gus, Shawn ride to the Psych office in silence. You smile the whole time, trying to think of the ways the rest of the night could go wrong. When you arrive, Shawn opens the door for you and you climb out. Gus does to the main door and looks for the right key to open it, but he can't find it. He huddles with Shawn as you look through the windows.

"I think it's inside." Gus says, too loudly. "Seriously? No, this can't happen. I put it on your desk this morning." Shawn says. "Hey, guys..." You say, trying to break up the conversation, but they don't hear you. "No, you were, but then we argued about Pop Tart flavors." Gus says. "Guys..." "No, I put it on your desk as we argued." Shawn replies, still oblivious.

"GUYS!!!" You yell. They turn around and face you, surprised. "It's on the counter, I'm going to climb through the window." You say, going to the side of the building and popping out a screen. Shawn follows you. "I'm gonna need a lift." Shawn gets down on a knee and makes a 'net' with his hands. You put your foot on his hands and he lifts you up. You stumble through the window and you go to the door and let them in. Gus puts a hand on your shoulder.

"Thank you, and sorry." Gus says. You smile. "It's ok, mistakes happen." You say. Shawn comes in and hugs you tightly. You stand there, rigid, then hug back. "You're welcome."

"Oh, yeah, we need dinner." Shawn says. You smirk. "Are we having burgers?" You ask. "Yes! I knew you'd know." Shawn says, taking a bag of fast food out of the fridge. "Let us eat." You laugh and sit down at the table. He puts your favorite cheese burger on a plate and sets in in front of you. He also pours you a glass of apple juice, in a wineglass of course. You sip it and nod your head.

"Very....delectable." You say. Then you bite into your burger and smile. Shawn eats his french fries first and drinks his apple juice in a few gulps. Gus joins you both again, only in pajamas. You nearly spit out your juice laughing, but you manage to keep your composer. Gus nods to you and Shawn.

"Goodnight, (Y/N) And Shawn." Gus says, with a bit of anger. "Goodnight, Gus, thanks for the ride." You say, swallowing your juice. "Anytime, (Y/N)." Gus says, then walks to his room. "What did you do to make him angry?" You ask. "He's mad that I have a girlfriend and he doesn't." Shawn says, smirking. You smile in return.

"Gus is jelly?" "Very jelly." Shawn replies. You laugh and finish eating. "I should be going home soon. I have to review some old cases and stuff tomorrow." You say, putting your plate in their sink. Shawn comes into the kitchen too. "Aww, really? That's boring. I got the Jaws series for us..." Shawn says, trying to hide disappointment. You think for a minute.

"Damn you. Ok, I'll just buy some coffee in the morning." You say. Shawn brightens up immediately. He kisses your cheek and runs out to where their T.V is. When you come back out with a full glass of apple juice, Shawn has the beginning playing. He sits there and you sit next to him and snuggle in. He throws a blanket over you both and you watch.

"We're going to need a bigger boat." One character says. "No, I'm sure it's just big enough." You say with an unreasonable amount of sarcasm. You can feel Shawn chuckling beside you and you smile too. As the end credits play, you look over at Shawn and see he's asleep. You roll your eyes and check 'Shawn falls asleep before me' in your mind off a list of things that could go wrong. You snuggle closer to him and go to sleep, imagining what Lassiter will say to you tomorrow.

(I got this from patches2741 on devianart. All credit goes to them.)

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