Story Time

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After you had told your story, Gus was bending over in laughter and Shawn was practically glaring at you. Your boyfriend wasn't exactly happy that you had just told his best friend one of his most embarrassing stories ever, but he still had his arm wrapped around your shoulder, so he couldn't be that upset, right? Well, that would be because he still had a plan.

"Hey, Gus," He piped up, herding his best friend's attention, "Do you want to hear a story about y/n?"

"Sure," Gus quipped, a hesitancy waiting on his tongue at Shawn's suspicious offer. "Ok, well, y/n here told me one day that she wanted to learn how to ride my motorcycle," He started and you knew exactly where he was going with the story.

"Seriously, Shawn?" You asked, leaning away from him, eyebrow raised in question, "This story?"

"Hey, it's my turn to tell a story! Shh!" Then he turned back to Gus, "Ok, well, of course I said yes, and the next day, we got all ready outside and I explained to her exactly how it worked, and we were climbing on to the bike. At this point, I should have realized that she wasn't ready to actually drive yet because of the fact that she couldn't even figure out how to put the helmet on," At this point, you were shielding your face from the inevitable laugh that would explode from Gus, "But I didn't notice. So we started riding, and at first it wasn't that bad, but then, she started to get wobbly, and y/n here was freaking out, screaming bloody murder, and we had to pull over on the side of the road where I switched to driving and we went back home. She still has not fully learned how to drive my motorcycle!" Gus let out a tight laugh, "Sorry, Shawn," He said casually, a smile lighting through his lips, "Y/n's story was better."

(I got this from bealrightchild on tumblr. All credit goes to them.)

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